Last Friday night we had a blast seeing the US Women’s national soccer team play Panama in an Olympic qualifying match. They played three games in Houston, but a couple of them were on school nights. I’m glad one was on Friday! The girls surprised me with how excited they were to go to the game, and Emma in particular really enjoyed watching them play. (The US women won 8-0, so there was quite a bit of scoring!)
We also spent several hours on Saturday at the elementary school carnival. This is their one big PTA fundraiser every year, and it’s pretty well done. Lots of games and entertainment, and Emma thinks it’s awesome to be at her school with all her friends and get to run around.

I also spent several hours over the weekend finishing a quilt on a deadline. After having to entertain herself for a couple hours, Emma was fed up and wrote me the note you see above. It was cute and guilt-inducing all at once. I shared this photo and my thoughts on Instagram and was encouraged to get so many comments from other quilters and moms who face the same dilemma of balancing their own goals and projects with the rest of their family life.
I don’t do a lot of deadline-driven sewing, and it admittedly stressed me out. I finished the quilt top before I went on my work trip, but between Friday and Sunday I had to quilt it, bind it (by hand), and add a hanging sleeve and label. It was a lot, and I was feeling the pressure. The quilt will be revealed later this year and I think it’ll be worth it, but I’m also glad to go back to non-deadline sewing for a while.

I also received notification late last week — via letter! in the mail! so quaint! — that my Palmdale quilt was juried into the upcoming Mid-Atlantic Quilt Festival in Virginia. Fun! Thinking all the acceptances and rejections for QuiltCon back in December inspired me to set a goal of entering 3 new-to-me quilt shows this year. This show was the first, and I’m excited.
I made Palmdale for the MQG’s fabric challenge and had high expectations of it getting into QuiltCon — but it didn’t. It feels good to have immediately turned around, tried again, and had the same quilt accepted to a different show.
I’ve been working my way through the novel “Wanderers” for the last two weeks and still can’t decide if I like it or not! It’s definitely too long. It’s a weird mix of science and politics and us vs. them themes. Also, the plot about an apocalyptic epidemic is totally giving me anxiety as I hear real-life news stories about coronavirus. But at this point I feel invested in the book and want to know how the story ends, so on I go.
One year ago my sewing room floors were all torn up.
Two years ago I tried longarm quilting for the first time.
Three years ago Charlotte got ear tubes. (Such a cutie!)
Five years ago we were picking strawberries. Yum.
Ten years ago we were at a space shuttle launch!
Eleven years ago we almost moved to DC.
I have Wanderers on hold.Now I’m scared! LOL
Ha! I wouldn’t recommend for or against it, really. The story isn’t what I expected but it’s engaging, but also eye-rolling in some parts…for me anyway. It’s also too long, but I admittedly have a short attention span! Lol!