Happy 2014! In celebration of the new year, I spent some time yesterday browsing my archives from last year and pulled out some of the highlights. Fair warning: it was a very Emma-centric year… Enjoy!
In January, we got new floors installed in the family room, and I decided I have the cutest kid. In February, I made some baby legs (man those were cute) and we bought a treadmill. Even though I haven’t gotten back on track with running as I’d hoped, I’ve still put in quite a few miles inside and don’t have any regrets about the treadmill purchase. In March, I used it to walk at least 1 mile every day. Plus, Emma started scooting and I turned 35.
In April, I pondered life’s twists and turns, and we went to Charlotte for a week (although I didn’t get around to posting photos until May). While there, Emma got to meet her cousins and great grandmother, and Jose and I went to Asheville for a mini-vacation. At the end of that month, Emma also had her first swimming class! May was a rather awful month of Emma sickness, but there were also more enjoyable moments like a fun afternoon at Armand Bayou, my first post-baby triathlon, my first Mother’s Day, Jose’s birthday, and our 4th anniversary.
In June, I participated in 30 Days of Creativity and documented a day in my life. Emma started walking (with a walker), Jose celebrated his first Father’s Day, and we spent a week in Port Aransas and enjoyed a lot of quality time with Jose’s family. In July, I wrote Emma’s birth story and we took her to her first baseball game.
August was a big month — Emma’s 1st birthday! We had cake on her actual birthday, followed by parties both at home and in Corpus Christi. AND, she started walking for real! In non-Emma news, I also talked about my master home improvement list. In September, after several ear infections over the preceding months, Emma got ear tubes. A few days later, we bid farewell to her baby mullet with her first haircut.
October began with Jose and me at home, thanks to the federal government shutdown. The days off ended up working in our favor, as I had a previously scheduled trip to Charlotte to see my family and help celebrate my grandmother’s 99th birthday. We also had fun outings to the pumpkin patch and Wings Over Houston — and of course there was Halloween! In November, I enjoyed a day at the Quilt Festival, shared some of my deep thoughts about my job and career, and documented another day in my life. We also had a fun trip to Corpus Christi for Thanksgiving.
That brings me to last month, of course, with our happy little Christmas and a visit from my mom!
What a great year! Here’s to 2014!
Your daughter is adorable! And I really like this style of yearly review. I’ve now got a bunch of links to go back and read when I get a few moments to myself.