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Heading to daycare on Friday, pajamas in hand for that evening. So freaking cute.
Jose and I went out to dinner with friends on Friday night, thanks to daycare’s bimonthly “Parents Night Out.” We had a great time and headed back to pick up Emma shortly before 10:00, at which point we discovered that neither one of us had our work badges. Jose had forgotten his at home, and mine had apparently fallen out of my badge holder because that’s all that was in my purse — an empty badge holder. Since daycare is on-site at JSC and you can’t get on-site without a badge, this proved to be a problem. And that’s how we ended up with a security escort to and from the daycare! Fun times!
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One of the zippers in my diaper bag broke over the weekend, and I’m pretty sure it’s unfixable. In the last few months, the zipper pull on one of the pockets had fallen off two or three times, and each time I was able to slide it back on and bend the piece back in place to hold it. But this time, the little piece of metals that HOLDS the zipper pull broke. So now it’s just a zipper with nothing to really grab ahold of…which makes it pretty hard to use the zipper. Boo. I’ve liked my diaper bag a lot but I gotta admit to being disappointed that it barely survived one year! It’s a diaper bag — it needs to be tough!! I’m going to contact the manufacturer and see if there’s anything they can do. That can’t hurt, right?
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We took Emma to the annual pumpkin patch at a nearby church yesterday. I clearly remember taking her last year, and having to carefully prop her up against a pumpkin because she couldn’t even sit up on her own yet. This year we had trouble just trying to keep her still long enough for a photo! She walked down just about every path she could and was generally adorable. I’ll post “real camera” photos tomorrow once I get a chance to pick out the best shots, but Jose got a pretty great iPhone photo too, as you can see.
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Last night while pulling a few weeds out of the front flower beds, I stepped on a fire ant mound. I was only wearing crocs since I was only outside for a few minutes, so they crawled through the holes and within seconds I had about a dozen bites on my toes. My foot immediately began to sting, so after a quick internet search I put ice packs on the bites. I’d never done this before and I think it really helped keep the stinging and swelling to a minimum! I had high hopes that the benefits would carry over until today…but no. Today the bites are turning into icky bumps just like they always do, and they ITCH. LIKE. MAD. I’ve been slathering on the hydrocortisone cream all day to no avail. Arrrrrrrrrrrgh.
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For months, I’ve been tempted to start a Project Life album, primarily because two bloggers I read regularly (Elise and Kathleen) make it look so fun. But do I really have time to take on another project, even if it is full of scrapbook-y goodness? NO. No. I do not. But every month, my resistance gets weaker. Maybe in 2014…
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And speaking of crafty pursuits, I finished my first embroidery piece last night. I’m usually a pretty harsh critic of my own work, but I have to admit that this turned out pretty darn well for what is essentially just a practice piece! I even practiced satin stitch on my own, as you can see in the yellow part in the middle. I need to get back to cross stitching at the moment and finish Emma’s stocking, but once that’s done I’m looking forward to conjuring up another fun embroidery piece to work on.
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Work has been super crazy in the three days since the furlough ended. I suppose that’s to be expected, since we missed 2+ weeks of work time. But whew. Crazy.
Such cute photos! We wore out a different diaper bag during each child’s first year. The zippers are never strong enough and the linings eventually tore as well.