So my blog got hacked again. Thanks to my sister for bringing it to my attention last night, so hopefully there won’t be any extended downtime like last time. There are likely broken links and missing photos lingering and I don’t know if I’ll ever get all of those fixed. We’ll see. But seriously, that’s the second time in 11 months that I’ve been hacked. Either I’m doing something wrong, or WordPress isn’t as secure as it should be. I’ll be doing another round of reading in the next couple days on how to secure my installation in case there’s something I missed last time.
On to more exciting things, like that fact that today marks 17 weeks of pregnancy.
Size of the Baby: An onion! Otherwise known as ~5 inches long and almost 6 ounces. I keep holding my finger and thumb apart to get a visual on how big that is, and in another few weeks I won’t be able to stretch them far enough, which blows my mind a little.
Weight gain/loss: 8 pounds. I’ve weighed myself on a daily basis for more than 2 years now, because I find that a daily weigh-in helps me stay on track. My weight always fluctuates a bit from day to day, but I’m finding that the fluctuations are larger now for some reason. On Sunday I weighed 2 pounds less than the day before, and this morning I weighed almost 3 pounds more than Sunday. This makes the “averaging” feature on my iPhone app useful for sure.
Maternity clothes: Not yet, but soon, I know. I still have a couple pairs of work pants I can wear, but my jeans are pretty tight. I made myself a belly band on Friday and tested it out over the weekend. It worked ok, but I should have made it a little tighter — I may rip out the seam and take it in by an inch or so. I don’t look pregnant yet, except to Jose, but I definitely look like I’ve been eating too many cookies.
Sleep: Not too bad. Knock on wood.
Movement: I thought I MIGHT have felt a little flutter on Saturday night while I was lying on the couch, but I haven’t felt anything since, so maybe it was something else.
Best moment this week? Hearing baby’s heartbeat at my doctor’s appointment last Wednesday! 147 beats per minute and music to my ears. If you believe in old wives tales, the heart rate of >140 means we’re having a girl. (Of course there are several other prediction methods that say it’s a boy. Funny how they seem to run 50/50.)
Food cravings: Nothing in particular. I’d say I have aversions more than cravings. Last Friday I made a cup of Keurig coffee in the office and it gave me HORRIBLE heartburn, so bad that I almost threw up and had to go home to get some Tums. (I now have Tums in my purse!) And Jose keeps wanting to eat at Freebird’s or Bullrito’s but I just don’t feel like burritos.
What I miss: Running. I know, again. But the weather has been SO nice the past few days, and I’ve seen so many people out running, and I’m jealous. I did take a nice long 3+ mile walk last night, and that was nice.
What I’m looking forward to: Vacation! We booked tickets to Maui for a babymoon. (I dislike that term, but I suppose it’s accurate — we want to take one more big vacation before baby arrives and alters our plans for the next several years.) I am extremely irate with United/Continental over their frequent flier policies, and the fact that I am still having to schedule vacation around rocket launches even though the shuttle program is gone, but I am trying to get over that and just remember: we’re going to Hawaii!
Milestones: Baby is starting to put on some body fat. I figure that’s only appropriate, since I’m doing the same thing.
I think I felt my first flutter laying on the couch! Yep, that’s baby movement!!