Notifications for the juried QuiltCon 2022 show went out a couple weeks ago! I had surgery earlier that day and was only about 4 hours post-anesthesia — and still very much in a haze — when the emails landed in my inbox. I had been anticipating mid-December, so the notifications came a lot earlier than I expected.

I entered 6 quilts for the 2022 show, more than I have ever submitted before, and learned that 5 of them were accepted! While I was absolutely thrilled with this news, in my anesthesia hangover I honestly thought it was a mistake. But minutes later I started getting texts and DMs from other friends saying “notifications are coming out, check your email!” and realized the notifications were real.
So! It was quite the day. Heh.

Countdown was juried into the “Modern Traditionalism” category. I created this quilt last year during the first 50 days of the “Quilting the Countdown” 100 day project started by Cassandra Beaver. (We were counting down the days until QuiltCon Together last February.) I enjoyed playing with this monochromatic palette, but my favorite part was the quilting process. I hand quilted this throw-size quilt over the course of a few weeks, using several different motifs in 5 shades of pink thread. It was such a calming activity amidst a hectic season.
I wasn’t sure this design would be quite right for QuiltCon — my inner critic thought it might not be “special” enough. Nonetheless, I adore this quilt and I’m delighted it will be part of the show.

Perseverance was juried into the “Small Quilts” category. I made this quilt to celebrate the success of NASA’s Perseverance rover, which landed on Mars back in February. This was a fun one to make, and I considered several different options for the text before deciding on raw edge fusible applique — and I tediously stitched around the border of each of those little pieces! My favorite detail is definitely the little rover that I stitched at the bottom corner.

Zero Eccentricity was juried into the “Applique” category. I really waffled on whether to submit this quilt as “Applique” or “Handwork” and I think I could have gone either way! I made this quilt over the summer as part of SewFine Thread Gloss’s 100 Day Summer Sew-along, and I’m really good at making applique circles now. Ha.

Game Night was juried into the “Fabric Challenge” category. The fabric challenge is a particular favorite of mine — it is the only category I have entered every year since my first QC entries in 2018. That’s 5 years now, and happily my challenge quilt has made the show 4 of those 5 years.

Unscripted was juried into the “Group Quilts” category. This one makes me smile every time I look at it, and hopefully it will have a similar effect on QuiltCon attendees. This is the first group quilt I’ve made, but certainly won’t be the last.

I shared my girls’ quilts earlier this month — Emma’s is titled “Checker Shapes” and Charlotte’s is “Tunnels” — and already mentioned that they were both juried into the “Youth” category! I think I’m more excited to see their quilts than I am to see my own.

Finally, I’ll end with Spiraling Triangles. I submitted this quilt in the “Piecing” category but it was not juried into the show. Interestingly, this is the quilt I felt had the BEST chance of being accepted! Year after year, I prove to myself that I am horrible at predicting what will and won’t get in.
I’m honored to have each of these quilts be part of the show and can’t wait until February! And now I’m off to sew a bunch of hanging sleeves!!
p.s. I’m doing a 31 day blogging challenge.
Congratulations on having 5 of your 6 quilts accepted (plus the two quilts your girls made)! Is any of your family also going to be able to attend the show?
Ah, that is the million dollar question! It depends whether my husband could come too. With my show plans and teaching, I’d need another adult to manage having the kids along….but we will see!
Congratulations on your entries to QuiltCon – especially momentous as it’s a real family event this year!
congratulations on all of these beautiful quilts! I look forward to seeing them in person.
Sarah, how exciting! Congratulations! And what a treat for Emma and Charlotte to have made quilts and have them on display. I’m not sure which of your quilts I love better, I don’t think there is one. Someday I’ll venture to QuiltCon, my dream one day is to create something to at least enter to be juried, from one of us unknown persons out here in quiltland.
I definitely recommend making the trip to QuiltCon at least once! It’s such a fun show.
Congratulations to you and your daughters! Love your entries.
Congrats on your beautiful entries! I love all your quilts
They are gorgeous! Congratulations!