Well, we did it. We made it to December! There’s finally some hope on the horizon for 2021 with a covid vaccine on its way and while I’ll be way at the back of the line to get my own shot — thanks to being young-ish, generally healthy, and able to work from home — it’s still good news for everyone.
Despite not really going anywhere or doing much away from home, the last month — and really the fall in general — has passed quickly. My work stress-level has been lower. Jose is balancing work from home with occasional trips to the office to support hardware testing for his project. Both girls are in school, healthy and happy. With the nicer weather, we are getting outside more often again. We are generally in a routine, and things are good.
November goals update:
+ Figure out a fun and safe way to do Thanksgiving. Done!
+ Clean out the guest room closet. In progress.
+ Finish 2 QuiltCon submissions. Done! (This was one. Haven’t posted the other yet.)

Other November wins:
+ Beach day. We joined one other family for an outdoor get-together in Galveston where we hung out on the beach, picked up lunch, and had a picnic in a park. It was really fantastic. With social interactions so few and far between right now, days like this feel particularly great.
+Aurifil Instagram takeover. I got to take over the Aurifil Thread account for a weekend and really enjoyed it!
+ Glasses for the girls. At their well-checks in September, our pediatrician recommended we take both girls to an eye doctor. Sure enough, it was time for glasses. Emma’s eyesight was borderline needing them right now, and Charlotte definitely needed them. (Both Jose and I got glasses in elementary school so it wasn’t a huge surprise.) They both looked instantly older to me!

+ Thanksgiving. We may not have traveled this year but we still had a lovely day!
December goals:
It’s never a good idea to put too many goals on my plate in December and this year will be no different. These are perhaps more “intentions” than goals anyway…
+ Have a merry Christmas! My sister and her family were going to be with us this year, but since they would have to fly, that is 90% not going to happen. Huge disappointment, for all of us. But we can still have a nice holiday.
+ See lights. Several of our usual light-viewing activities (like Zoo Lights) are out this year because I know that even with restrictions, it’ll be way too crowded. But I’ve found a couple drive-thru versions, and of course we can walk around our own neighborhood.
+ Eat reasonably. I had a checkup in mid-November and had to face the fact that I’ve gained 8-10 lbs since March thanks to being home and in close proximity to snacks all the time!! This time of year is a hard time to lose weight, but I’ve lost ~2 lbs in the last several weeks by reducing my alcohol consumption to 1-2 drinks per week (instead of 5-6) and eliminating daytime snacking. For December, I’d be happy if I can end the month having maintained that loss.
Happy December!
p.s. I’m doing a 31 day blogging challenge.