Today’s blogging prompt is “Dream Project”. For me, a quilting dream project is one that feels epic — it has tons of pieces, or will take a lot of time and effort to make, or has a design that is totally new and different. In the past, both my Long Time Gone and Gypsy Wife quilts have fit that description, and felt very much like dream projects when I finished them.
(My Gypsy Wife is still just a top. It is arguably my favorite quilt I’ve ever made, but it’s not actually a finished quilt yet. I’m paralyzed by indecision and fear about quilting it. Oh, the shame!)
I think about these kinds of projects more like a “bucket list.” So what’s on my quilting bucket list at the moment?
First, there are several classic quilt blocks that I have never made, and would like to — something with Mariner’s Compass or New York Beauty blocks. As a Texan for the last 20+ years, I also would like to make a Lone Star quilt someday!
Second, I have a very nebulous idea of making a quilt based on Mexican tile. It’d be sort of like a sampler quilt, with each block being different. To really do it justice would take a lot of time and a lot of applique. But when I finally decide I’m ready, I have a whole Pinterest board ready to go. Heh.
And finally, I have several specific designs that I’d really like to turn into reality at some point. Here are three of them:

Jose made this sketch about a year ago. It’s a graphical interpretation of hydrogen quantum spectral emission lines and it’s BEGGING to be made into a quilt.

I designed this for last year’s QuiltCon two color challenge, and thought about it again for this year’s stripes challenge. I still want to make it at some point (although maybe not in black and white).

I have sketched several variations of a quilt design based on the Kepler Space Telescope’s field of view. I’ve had several different thoughts for what should be pictured in the middle, and the one above (showing a planet crossing in front of a star) is one option.
So there you go! And hey, nobody better steal my ideas, eh??
p.s. I’m doing a 31 day blogging challenge.
These are all awesome designs. Hope you’ll turn them into quilts someday.
I hope so too! Lol!
go hydrogen or go home!
I hear ya!