The Christmas quilt is done! My final finish of 2019…just in time to pack it away with the rest of the holiday decorations. But what a nice surprise it will be to unpack our Christmas decorations next year and find my lovely quilt.

I previously talked about this quilt here and here, so there’s not much more to say! The pattern is Broken Zig Zag by yours truly. I wrote it as a free pattern several years ago, but this version has been retooled using a different construction method that allows you to use larger pieces of fabric without having to break up patterns.

If you want the old version, which is constructed with half square triangles, you can get that here…but only for a couple more weeks. I will be pulling it down shortly to replace it with this revamped version, and it will become a paid pattern. So get the free version while it lasts!

I quilted straight lines, turned along with the zig zag motif on the front. The lines are spaced about 1 3/4″ apart. Another simple quilting design, I know…but what can I say? Most of the time, I like simple!

The stats:
- Quilt measures 60″ x 72″.
- Pattern is Broken Zig Zag.
- Fabrics are six prints from a Liberty of London Christmas collection, purchased from my friend Michelle’s shop Clothyard Fabrics at Quilt Festival.
- Backing is Let It Snow in Aspen from Hawthorne Supply Co.
- Binding is scrappy, made from leftover strips of the same Liberty fabric.
- Machine quilted with a walking foot using Aurifil 50 wt (#2024 White).
p.s. I’m doing a 31 day blogging challenge.