Having a whole week between Thanksgiving and the beginning of December this year has been really nice, and it has also totally thrown my sense of timing out of whack. Is it really just December 1? Thanksgiving already seems like weeks ago!
We enjoyed the holiday in Corpus Christi as always, and had a nice time with Jose’s family. There was the traditional food fest on Thanksgiving Day, followed by an impromptu s’mores party at the “ranch” in Sinton on Friday night. We hit the road back to Houston around lunchtime on Saturday and were home by dinner. We even had time to put up the Christmas tree that same day — since Emma had started asking about it as soon as we walked in the door!
(I still miss having a real tree, a bit. But I cannot deny how freaking easy it is to have a fake, pre-lit tree. We had the thing up and the girls were going to town with the ornaments in 5 minutes flat.)
We also hung our stockings, and I swapped out a couple pieces of wall art for Christmas items, including a really neat paper cut piece that we picked up at an arts festival in Friendswood a couple weeks ago. (We got “Santa’s Wreath.”)
I also picked up some new candles to put in our front windows. The ones I had for our old house were plug-in, and I never used them here because I would have needed to either go plug them all in, or get 4 automatic timers. But these are battery operated and have an internal 8-hour timer! Pretty neat. They seem to be working well so far and I like how they look from the street.
Every year I tell myself I will start an advent calendar like the one my mom used to do for my siblings and me as kids, but I haven’t. Fortunately, there are so many fun ones to choose from these days already! I got this Playmobil one for Charlotte and this Lego Friends one for Emma.
After our holiday decorating, we spent Sunday relaxing, and went to the movies as a family. I had suggested The Grinch, but Emma lobbied hard for Ralph Breaks the Internet so we went with that. It was cute. I think a lot of it kind of went over Emma’s head. Charlotte did pretty well — it was her second movie in a theater ever — and only started getting really antsy at the end. All in all, a success.
I think I managed exactly two posts in November, so what better time to jump back into a blog writing challenge! (Am I being sarcastic? Perhaps.) Still, Cheryl from Muppin is hosting another 31-day blogging challenge this month, and since I enjoyed participating last year I figured I’ll give it another go.
I’ve got quite a few draft posts that have been lingering for a while, so I’m looking forward to getting those finished, and just getting back into the blogging habit in general. Upcoming posts will include:
- Two recent quilt finishes
- Thoughts on organizing a group charity quilt
- Printing t-shirts from manhole covers
- Highlights from this year’s Quilt Festival
- The Houston Stay-cation Jose and I took (cough, way back in August, cough)
- A 2018 wrap-up and goals for 2019
That whole pre-lit fake tree stuff is the way we’re going this year, I’m pretty sure! We live in Oregon, so not sure how that’s going to fly around here, but we’re ready! You’re so organized with your upcoming posts! Looking forward to seeing your quilts!
It’s one thing to say what my posts are going to be about. It’s another thing to make the time to write them. Ha!