When Emma was a baby, Jose and I went to each checkup with a long list of questions. Is this normal? Should be concerned about that? How much should she be eating? How much should she be drinking? How much should she be pooping? Are her teeth coming in right? Does she sound wheezy to you?
On Friday, we took Charlotte for her 9 month checkup. At the end when the doctor asked if we had any questions, we both looked at each other and kind of shrugged.
“No,” I said, “I think we’re good.”
Emma was pulling up on things by now and had been crawling for a couple months. Charlotte, in comparison, has only been crawling for a couple weeks and is still too wobbly to get any traction if she wanted to pull herself up to standing. She’s not doing things on the same timeline that Emma did…yet I find myself pretty unconcerned about that. I’m more confident in the knowledge that all kids are different.
At this point with Emma, I’m pretty sure we were still stuck on a diet of purees, puffs and mum-mum crackers, afraid that she would choke on anything else. But Charlotte had salmon for dinner last night. She’s also enjoyed bread, cheese, banana and potato.
Have you seen that series of “second kid” commercials on TV in the last few years? You know why they’re funny?
Because they’re true.
so i don’t even have a baby and those commercials are hillarious. I clearly don’t watch many commercials any more..
Just watched those commercials — so funny and so very true!!
Ha – never saw that commercial before. Predictable but spot on.
I do love living a commercial-free life these days, though. Thank you Netflix and Amazon Prime!