This year I’m participating in Ali Edwards’ One Little Word workshop. My word is “enough.” All of my OLW posts are here.
And that’s a wrap! I finished up this year’s One Little Word album earlier this week with a “facts and feelings” worksheet, some thoughts on what I want to carry forward, and a few more cards about where I am right now. Overall I’m proud of myself for following through with the class. I worried it might not be right for me, but it turned out to be a very positive experience. Do I think you can make some changes in life without choosing a word to focus on? Sure, of course. But it was definitely helpful for me to have that focus, and the monthly reminder to myself.
“Enough” turned out to be the perfect word for me this year. I needed to take a step back in several areas of my life and even though I still did a lot, I feel like I was kinder and gentler to myself and to others as well. My transition to being a mom of two was not without some difficulties, but overall it was so much easier than I had anticipated and the relief and happiness from that has permeated the last several months in a really wonderful way.
I closed out my album with a picture of myself. It’s nothing fancy, just a snapshot Jose took of me (with Charlotte in my lap, although I cropped her out) when we stopped at Whataburger for dinner en route to Corpus Christi last week.
I’ve got room in this album for at least 2-3 more years of the class if I choose to continue — and I do plan to do it again in 2016. I haven’t picked a new word yet but am considering a few possibilities. I’ve even considered just using the same word again since I think “enough” will continue to be an important thing for me to think about in the coming year! But I think I’ll go with something new.
I’ve decided to do this project this year. I did a lovely job on my Project Life album up until about July and then it dramatically stopped. So I randomly have half a year documented and printed. I haven’t decided on a word yet, but I’m close. Here’s hoping I can stick with it.