A few weeks ago, I mentioned that the latest addition to my podcast subscriptions is The Lively Show. Jess Lively has her own business centered on living with what she calls values-based intentions, and applying that to all aspects of your life — from work to family to hobbies to habits. I love hearing about how other people approach life and how they figure out what works for them, and I’ve been enjoying Jess’s podcast for the last 5 or 6 weeks.
Well, Jess happened to come across my post from last month, and she emailed me to ask if I would be interested in chatting with her for an episode of her podcast! I was both surprised and flattered — and frankly a bit nervous about how I would measure up to some of the other people she’s had on in the past. But I decided to give it a go for one big reason: she said she wanted to talk about maintaining hobbies and interests and passions while also working a “normal” day job, and that is a topic I am basically ALWAYS willing to talk about!
I’ve only listened to one of The Lively Show’s older episodes, but it was this one about Loving a 9-to-5 Job. I keyed in on it immediately when looking through Jess’s show archives, because it is SO in line with my own life, and because it’s something I don’t often hear about within the creative and blogging community I enjoy online.
So! Our chat should be online at some point today via Jess’s site or iTunes, and if you choose to check it out I hope that 1) you enjoy it and that 2) I don’t sound too bumbling or scatter-brained! And if you are coming here for the first time because you heard me on the show and want to know a little more about me, here’s a bit of background on a few things Jess and I talked about:
> I talk a lot on the podcast about my job at NASA. I joined the space agency when I was in college, and today I work in the safety and mission assurance organization supporting the International Space Station. I’ve been doing that for the last 4 years, but before that, I worked in Mission Control for the space shuttle. Oh, and the picture of me that you see on Jess’s site (and here on the right) was taken when I flew on the Vomit Comet (an airplane that flies in such a way that you experience 20-30 second periods of weightlessness) a few years ago.
> We talked about my interests, including sewing and quilting and running — and blogging, although that’s so ingrained into my life at this point that I nearly forgot to even mention it! I’ve been interested in creative things since childhood, recently earned a master’s degree in digital media studies, and often say that if I wasn’t working for NASA, I probably wouldn’t be an engineer at all! But since I do, Jess and I also talked about something that’s been on my mind lately: that a hobby can be just a hobby, and that’s ok. (I often have to remind myself of this when I get swept up in the never-ending amazingness I see online. It’s a “do as I say, not as I do” thing for sure.)
> I mentioned that I was thinking about “enough” as my one little word for 2015, and our ensuing conversation sealed the deal on that one!
> The obvious topic after talking about work and life is…work-life balance, of course. Despite the stereotype of the federal government being a dull, soul-less entity riddled with bureaucrats, NASA is actually a pretty great place to work. (It was recently voted the best place to work in government for the 3rd year in a row.) I’m able to be a great engineer, be a great wife and mom, maintain several of my other interests — and stay sane in the process. Win win win!
I hope you enjoy the podcast and if you’re new to my blog: welcome! Feel free to ask questions in the comments if you’re curious about something I’ve said or done, and I hope you stick around!
Can’t wait to check it out once I get out of this sim.
On the podcast front have you checked out Serial yet. It is my new favorite.
I haven’t checked it out yet — mainly because the genre isn’t something I’m usually into. But EVERYONE is talking about it, so I guess I need to give it a try!
There’s a lot to be said for hobbies. I’m glad I didn’t make a career out of one of my artsy “passions” in high school. Specifically, I often reflect that majoring in music performance would have been a disaster, given, among many other reasons, the jaw problems I’ve been having for the last ten years which are exacerbated by playing the flute.
I loved hearing your voice again! We have hired someone to clean our house every two weeks for a couple years now. This spring we added a lawn service. We felt guilty for about two minutes. D isn’t going to be little forever and wanting to spend time with us, so it is easy for us to feel good about spending our time with him rather than cleaning and mowing!
I’ve done the word for a couple of years (2014 – Discover, 2013 – Savor, 2012 – Trust). I love your word “enough.” I’m still chewing on my word for 2015.
Thanks Jen! I forced myself to listen to it today and it’s always so weird to hear what your own voice really sounds like.
I’m also a recent addition to The Lively Show listening audience and been devouring it with each episode. Your interview was great and I especially connected with you word for the year explanation. Perfect!
Thanks Brittany!
Hi! Found you from Jess. I was so glad to hear that you’ve been blogging for so long as a hobby. I started my blog about a year ago, and while I think it would be awesome to earn an income from blogging, it’s not a goal that I’m seriously pursuing at this time (or maybe ever). It’s nice to see that someone enjoys blogging as ‘just’ a hobby and has maintained that passion for years. Loved your episode! P.S. Your life seems really cool. I’m jealous of the vomit comet photo. Even though it would truly live up to the name for me, I would still jump at the opportunity to get a photo like that…
Thanks Miranda! Sometimes I think it’s hard to not feel like I should be doing “more” with my little space here, or that I “missed the boat” of the blogging heydey…but I just like being here no matter what. I’ve been doing it for 16 years and I won’t be surprised if I end up continuing for 16 more!
I’m in the midst of a massive catch-up-on-my-reader and I’m really excited to hear this! Maybe I can play it while I do dishes today…
I heard about you via the Jess Lively show and was immediately intrigued because my husband wants to be an astronaut. Thanks for sharing!
Tell him to apply! The odds are long but you never know! They selected a new class of astronauts in 2013, so 2015 might be the next call…
My first time listening to The Lively Show and I really loved your podcast. We may have a mutual connection via NASA. My friend’s husband works there and I *think* it might be in the ISS section. I know he’s moved positions over the years, so I’m not sure, but I do know he is an engineer.
Really appreciated the podcast from a hobby perspective. I’m a new mom to a 3 month old and am trying to find my sanity because I came from a background as a hobby collector and now have dwindled time for hobbies, which is driving me insane.
Great podcast! I stumbled on The Lively Show tonight and scrolled down to your segment. I actually found myself grabbing for a Post-it while I was doing dishes! I have often wondered how I would balance a full-time job with motherhood. I thought for sure I would have to abandon most of my other hobbies like running and sewing. I love the ways you make it “work” – putting a treadmill in the bedroom, your quilting projects on the dining room table. Sometimes we just have to improvise. Thanks for sharing!
Improvise — yes, I love that! I definitely don’t have the time that I used to have to devote to my hobbies, and I have to prioritize, but there are still ways to make it happen if you want it to!