We invited several of our friends-with-kids to Acrosports (a local gymnastics place) on Saturday afternoon for Emma’s 2nd birthday party! They all had a great time running around, and I loved that it wasn’t at our house and I therefore didn’t have to clean. Win win!
And now, a photo dump:
Everyone gravitated to the foam pit, which was a hit with every single kid age 15 months to 7 years old…and several adults too.
Back in March when we went to another party here, Emma couldn’t really jump on the trampoline — she tried, but just bounded. This time she got some air!
Emma climbed all the way up to the top of this tower, but didn’t want to go down the slide — so she climbed back down. I may or may not have wormed my way back down with her.
My brave little girl! She jumped into the foam pit — and loved it!
This is the cake I had to call 4 different grocery stores for, just to find one that had that Elmo-Abby teeter totter topper in stock. The things we do for our kids…
I’m not sure why she’s giving me a suspicious look here — perhaps she knew we were about to sing “Happy Birthday” and apparently she hates singing right now. As soon as we began, she started crying. But then at the end, I said “ok, singing is over, do you want cake?” And then she immediately stopped crying and said “yes.” Oh Emma. (It was kind of hilarious, actually.)
Erin and Keagan (don’t you love cake with blue icing?)
And fun was had by all!
LOVE all the pics! Looks like a great time was had by all — great job mom and dad!!