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Because I need this reminder again:
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Yesterday I turned in 4 copies of my master’s project to the UHCL library. With that final box checked, I am officially DONE with my Digital Media Studies degree…and it only took 9 years! (Ha.) I’m now as master of science AND of arts, and as I said before, in my head I am laughing like an evil genius. (Mwa ha ha.)
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This week at work I began a rotation in which I’ll be “shadowing” the ISS Chief Safety Officer (CSO) through the end of September. I’ll spend half of my time this month coming up to speed, and then in June they get 100% of my time. The lead CSO is taking a long vacation with his kids this summer, so the Deputy CSO will be acting as lead, and the plan is for me to fill in as the “acting” Deputy CSO from June through August.
This is a really big opportunity for me — to put it in perspective, the Deputy position is 2 pay grades above me, and the lead is 3 pay grades higher. This is a good chance for me to make a positive impression on a lot of higher-ups, and I’m excited. I’m ALSO somewhat terrified because being an effective CSO requires a MUCH broader level of situational awareness about the space station than I currently have, and this month is going to be crazy as I try to cram as much knowledge as possible into my head.
But I’m mostly excited!
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I’m currently smack in the middle of a mood in which all of our stuff is driving me crazy. I tend to do this on a regular basis — ping pong back and forth between “eh, whatever” and “OMG the house is a wreck therefore my life is a wreck.” I’m currently in the latter. I know it will pass, but in the meantime, I’ve got some major spring cleaning and decluttering on my agenda for the weekend.
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On the left is what our treadmill looked like on Wednesday night. On the right is what it looked like last night after I cleaned off all the shoes and clothes. I haven’t done much working out in the last couple months and at the moment, I’m itching to get back on the exercise bandwagon.
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My new favorite iPhone game is Threes. It has all the features of my favorite games — it’s easy, you don’t have to think very hard, and you can play it basically forever trying to beat your own best score (which for me is currently 6,939…which I admit is an anomaly because my second best is only 3,441). Warning: it’s also addictive.
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I am taking Emma to the doctor today for a rash around her mouth that has been coming and going (but never really disappearing) for weeks — and so of course this morning there was barely any sign of a rash to be seen. Sigh. Fortunately we took some pictures a few days ago when it flared up, so hopefully that’s enough for the pediatrician to identify the cause.
(Linking up: 7 Quick Takes, hosted by Conversion Diary)
Nice redesign!
Wow, congrats on this rotation opportunity! Very cool, hope you will write about it throughout the next few months.
Congrats on finishing that degree. It’s been a long time coming, I know, and I really applaud you.