Prepare yourself for a total mish mash of stuff — which is exactly what this whole week felt like in the first place.
— 1 —
Emma woke up Monday morning with some of the most amazing bedhead I have ever seen. It was so epic that I walked in, greeted her, and then immediately scooted back into the living room to grab my phone so I could take a picture. I had to wet down her whole head to get things under control.
— 2 —
This was the view from Jose’s hotel room in Huntsville earlier this week:
Marshall Space Flight Center has a Saturn V rocket just like JSC — but theirs is upright, instead of lying on its side. So cool! I would have loved to see one of these launch, but alas they stopped launching before I was even born. I’ve heard they were downright slow getting into the air compared to the shuttle, which zipped off from the launch pad like a race car.
(Also, I think that tube-y building between the hotel and the rocket is Space Camp? But I’m not certain. I’m sure one of my Space Camp alumni friends will chime in.)
— 3 —
The heat at my end of the building at work has been broken for more than a month. It was cold to begin with and now it is (obviously) even colder — 67 degrees. This doesn’t sound that cold, but when you are just sitting at a desk all day working on a computer? It’s pretty darn chilly. As in, on Wednesday I never took off my jacket and wore my fingerless gloves all day. AND I had my small space heater going. I am so, so, SO tired of having to sit at my desk practically shivering. NASA can put a man on the moon…but it can’t heat a building.
— 4 —
Jose’s mom was supposed to fly in yesterday for a nice long visit, but she came down with a bad cold on Wednesday and we ended up rescheduling her trip. (Thank you Southwest for not charging change fees!!) I’m bummed because we had several plans for her visit — date nights for Jose and me, a trip to the mall to use the Build-a-Bear gift Emma got for Christmas from Jose’s cousin, probably buying a new car — but of course all of those things can wait. She’ll be visiting towards the end of February instead.
— 5 —
I’m rooting for the Seahawks in the Super Bowl this weekend, since my sister lives in Seattle and all.
— 6 —
Every time I walk in or out of the house these days, I’m embarrassed by the state of our flowerbeds — so overgrown with weeds! There is one that’s gotten large enough that it could be mistaken for a bush planted purposefully if it weren’t so, well, weed-y. It’s bad enough that I want to get out there and fix things up, but I really should wait until March in case we get any more random overnight freezes. I don’t want to dig up stuff now only to have to dig new growth up again in 5 or 6 weeks.
But seriously, what is the best thing to use to prevent (or at least minimize) weeds in a flower bed? I’m planning to dig a lot of them up, but I know that even after putting down a new layer of mulch they’ll work their way back through. So what are my best options?
— 7 —
Between the holidays, me being sick, Emma being sick, superflex Fridays, MLK days and random snow days, I’ve worked exactly 11 days in the last 6 weeks. Fortunately, this tends to be a slow time of year for me and I was able to keep up with the highest priority tasks from home so I’m actually not in bad shape, work-wise. But after so many days away, it’s really hard to get myself motivated to jump back into things. I know, I know — first world problem — but it’s the trust. I’m in a total funk at work right now, and I need to break out.
(Linking up: 7 Quick Takes, hosted by Conversation Diary)
That bed head is hilarious and I can visualize the weed turned shrub. Funny!
Dittos on the bedhead. So cute! That’s a pretty impressive list of, er, not-working in the last six weeks.
I’m glad you’ve been able to keep up from home. Look at it this way–if you’d worked more you’d have been cold more. 
Re weeds–landscaping wrap works well, but of course then you can’t plant anything without cutting into it.
I think the tube-y building was the dormitory for Camp, at least, ah…. seventeen years ago?
Yeah when I went to space camp that building was the space-station style dorm.
If you find a way to deal with the weeds let me know. We just spray on some roundup, hoe the floor beds and put down a fresh layer of mulch every spring and that kind up keeps it under control for one growing season.
When I put down new mulch I usually weed, then put a layer of newspapers down, then put the mulch down. The newspaper will break down fairly quickly especially if it rains, but it forms a bit of a barrier in the meantime to keep the weeds down so things don’t shoot right back up through the mulch.
Also I have found the semi-permanent landscaping barriers to be a big pain. The person who lived in our house used it at one point and I’m sure it worked for awhile. But then it started breaking down and getting holes, and when I would go to rake/spread mulch it would get caught on the shovel or rake and get more and more holes over time. If you want to do any annuals or bulbs or anything it is a huge pain.