This turned into a crazy week. Turns out when you miss 9 days of work thanks to being furloughed, there is a crapton of stuff to catch up on when you get back! So instead of something more significant, I’m just posting my second brain dump of the week.
— 1 —
I think Emma has grown in the last couple weeks. On one hand, this is obvious — kids grow. Duh. But on the other hand, I’d swear she has grown a few inches in, like, A WEEK. Yesterday we got home and she starting grabbing the car keys off the table behind our sofa where we always put them down. When did she get tall enough to even reach the top of that??
— 2 —
I took this short quiz that matches your temperament up with a “mood map” of the United States. It told me I should live in….North Carolina! I am impressed, quiz thingy. Especially because last week when we were in Charlotte, I kept telling Jose that we should just move there.
— 3 —
Jose put his telescope out in the backyard last night while it was still light to help it adjust to the temperature before he went stargazing later. Emma thought it was pretty cool! I have many memories of stargazing with my dad when I was a kid, and thinking about how Emma will be able to do that with Jose makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
— 4 —
The airshow is in town this weekend so we’re going to check it out tomorrow morning with my friend Cindy and her 6-month-old. I’m hoping Emma will enjoy it — as long as we’re out of there before Tora Tora Tora starts up with all its loud explosions! I was looking at the schedule to see what acts were coming, and it seems the government sequestration has really affected the military’s ability to take their act to various airshows. There are usually several military jet demonstrations on the agenda as well as a performance by the Blue Angels or Thunderbirds. None of that is on the schedule this year.
— 5 —
Next weekend I’m planning to go to the Quilt Festival downtown, which is apparently one of the largest in the country! I wanted to go last year but Emma was an infant and it just didn’t end up happening — so I have quite literally been waiting all year for this. I’m sure I’ll come home with all kinds of ideas for projects that I have no time for, but I don’t care. Ha!
— 6 —
Have I mentioned how much I love Superflex Friday? This morning I went on a run and then pulled some weeds from the front flower bed. The weeds in there are OUT OF CONTROL and I don’t know how to fight them effectively. It’s monkey grass type of stuff that keeps popping up, and no matter how many times I pull it out from the root, it keeps coming back. Do I treat the entire bed with something like Roundup? Do I need to dig up the top layer and put down a weed barrier? Suggestions?
— 7 —
I’ve been making decent progress on my Digital Media master’s project. I’ve been having trouble getting just the effect I want on one of the illustrations I’m doing, so I decided to try out a course on Skillshare. (I found out about this site from ads on Facebook, so score one for FB I guess.) So far, I’ve been really impressed! The course I chose was on sale for $15 and has about 2.5 hours of video lessons on creating great digital illustrations. It’s already proven quite helpful, and overall I just love the concept in general — people who have a skill can share it in a structured yet informal way. The internet, y’all. It’s cool.
(Linking up: 7 Quick Takes, hosted by Conversation Diary)
I’ve heard from several yard people that those weed barriers are a joke; they may work for a while, but the weeds just grow back on top of them.
This is the first airshow that I will not go to in years, mainly because of the sequestration cutbacks. I am sad to miss Fifi, but I am mostly there to see the flying acts, not the static displays (except the warbirds) so there just wasn’t enough to entice me to go.