32 weeks! (Not sure why it came out all blurry.)
Size of the Baby: Ok, one of the weekly update sites listed the exact same weight range and height range as last weekend! What the heck. I guess she’s somewhere around 18 inches and closing in on 4 pounds if she’s not there already.
Weight gain/loss: Oof. Right at 22 pounds according to my scale this morning. I am starting to feel pretty large.
Maternity clothes: All my work maternity clothes are dirty, as I discovered when I struggled to get dressed this morning. This means I haven’t done laundry in about 2 weeks. Guess I’ll be doing that tonight!
Sleep: I am tired. That is all.
Movement: I feel her throughout the day but she’s definitely most active in the evening, especially when I’m lying in bed reading before going to sleep. She is getting better and better at the alien thing — on Sunday night I watched her stretch her knee? foot? butt? across the top of my belly and back again. It is pretty weird/cool that I can feel her from the outside, and by that I don’t just mean feeling general movement but rather feeling a hard bump and thinking “oh hey, there’s her arm? hand? shoulder?” Last night during baby class she was pushing out so much that it got slightly uncomfortable. So I pushed back. Ha!
Food cravings: Nothing special this week, although now that it’s hot out I do find myself wanting cold drinks all the time. I’m hungry a lot, but often don’t feel like eating. This is definitely NOT a problem I have ever had before, so I think baby is really starting to squish my stomach.
4 of the pins that Peggy made — note Venus transiting the sun!
Best moment this week? The baby shower and pamper party that Jose’s family had for us on Saturday! It was so much fun. They did a space/alien theme and there was cute stuff everywhere. My favorite were a bunch of pins that Jose’s cousin Peggy made out of polymer clay — each one was unique and they were all really cute. We also got so many great gifts from generous family and friends. Last night I was going through everything and organizing into categories (clothes, blankets, feeding stuff, health/grooming items, etc) and it looked like a baby tornado — a very PINK baby tornado — hit our living room. It’s kind of awesome.
What I miss: The usual. Sleeping through the night, margaritas, and running (yes, even though it’s June).
What I’m looking forward to: Working on the baby room some more! The crib is supposed to arrive sometime this week, and now that we have all these clothes and other items, we need somewhere to put them, so we’ve got to go buy a dresser somewhere.
We’re also halfway through our baby classes and I’m most looking forward to the one next week, since it includes the hospital tour.
Milestones: She’s probably head down by now, according to the internets. She was head down at 21 weeks and 27 weeks when we had ultrasounds, so hopefully she stayed there. One site also says baby has now developed sensitivity to temperature! Neat.
As for me, I’ve noticed some minor swelling in my hands and feet over the last couple weeks. I started taking off my rings at night because they were feeling tight when I woke up each morning, and for the past few days I’ve had trouble getting them off at night too. The puffiness definitely comes and goes over the course of the day (right now, for instance, there’s none) so it hasn’t been a problem so far.
In the last few weeks before Carina was born, she’d push so hard it would hurt. I’d get up from my desk and walk round and round the floor until she went back to sleep.
Drake put his little foot in this one place in my side for the last few weeks. It got so bad I didn’t want to move because any extra pressure was blindingly painful. Ah the joys of twins.