When it comes to aspirations, it’s not about ideas. It’s about making ideas happen. What’s your next step?
I took Jose to my division’s Christmas party on Friday night. We had fajitas for dinner and the meal trays were quite amusing. They must have come from a school supplier or something, because they each sported a message like “Say No to Drugs” or “Don’t Litter” or “Please Recycle Me.” I was partial to this one though: “Always Do Your Best.”
(Only slightly related side note: Years ago when my mom was visiting for a few days, we went over to Starbucks one morning and stopped in the space souvenir store next door. Charlie Bolden was there signing autographs — he lived in Houston at the time and I think had just retired from the military. For those who don’t work at NASA, Charlie Bolden is a former astronaut and has spent the past 1.5 years as NASA Administrator. My mom asked him to sign a photo for her class, and he wrote: “To Mrs. G’s class, Always Do Your Best!” Neat.)
I’m a list-maker. I have lists for all kinds of things — stuff I want to do around the house, things I need to take care of at work, recipes I want to try, design projects I want to work on, books I want to read. But lately, I’ve been feeling pretty aimless and stuck in a rut. I haven’t really taken action on anything. So many things that all remain on my lists.
“Always do your best?” This isn’t my best.
The problem is that I don’t really know what’s next, or what I need to do to make my ideas happen. Figuring that out…is on my list.
This month, I’m participating in Reverb10, which charges you to “reflect on your year and manifest what’s next.” There’s a different prompt every day.
Those are the same trays they use at the onsite daycare.
Try taking a night off to figure out what on your lists you need to do next.
I have the picture of Charlie Bolden up in my classroom to always remind me to do my best — a good slogan for anytime, anywhere, anything!