Back at the end of April, we had our last gasp of absolutely gorgeous weather, with low humidity and crystal clear skies. One Wednesday after work, Jose and I decided to thoroughly enjoy the evening from the air, so we went flying! I’m late posting these photos, but better late than never! It was just a short jaunt around the Clear Lake area, but it was lots of fun. I hadn’t been in a small plane in months, and it’d been a year since Jose flew me anywhere. Crazy, right? He took an unintentional break from flying after we got married last year — not my fault! I’m not one of “those” wives! — because we were busy with the house and various other things, but he brushed up on everything this spring and is back in the saddle. Or pilot’s seat, to be accurate.
We flew right over our neighborhood and were able to see our house from the air for the first time! If you click over to the Flickr page, I put a note showing where it is.
It was just as nice a night for sailing as it was for flying, and we could see the white dots of sails all over Clear Lake. As far as I know, they still have sailing races there on Wednesdays, so I’m sure that was the reason.
Even the interstate and massive shopping center at FM646 looked pretty in the clear light and setting sun.
As we headed back to the airport, we passed over our neighborhood one more time. I like how the hills on the golf course left shadows everywhere. That golf course runs through the middle of our entire neighborhood. Sadly, we do not have a golf course view.
The landing pattern for Clover Field always gives the passenger (me!) a great view of downtown Houston. Most of the time it’s hazy, but on this day it was clear, and everything from downtown to the Galleria was visible on the horizon.
It’s so hot now, even early in the morning, that I don’t know if I will go flying much more this summer. The heat makes me feel a little airsick. If only our weather was always as nice as it was in April!
That was a great day!