This is the kind of weather that I wish would last all year, but that only actually lasts for a few weeks. It is really beautiful outside today after a thunderstorm rolled through through this morning while I lay in bed still half asleep. I have a late sim tonight, so I was able to lounge under the covers until almost 10:00!
Jose and I took the afternoon off work yesterday to make the trek back to the Coventry design center in northwest Houston to finalize all the choices for our house. I’m excited to know that we have literally signed off on every doorknob and every tile in our house — we even got to pick the grout color for the tile and the mortar color for the brick outside. Our sales counselor told us last week that they have all the permits required to start building, so they were really just waiting on us to finalize all the options. We’ll go sign the final contracts with our sales counselor tomorrow (her name is also Sarah) and then we’re off to the races. I can’t wait to see action on our lot. So exciting.
In other news, wedding planning continues and you can check the wedding blog if you’re interested in that. I finished up a big design project for the Miss Houston pageant last week; I did their program again, just like last year. I had hoped that this year would be a bit easier since I’d done it once already, and while it did take a little less time, I wouldn’t call it easier. It basically occupied every moment outside of work for a week. But I’m happy with the final project and it’s nice to have another bullet item for my design resume.