My brother-in-law Alex married his longtime girlfriend Krystle on Saturday! Jose was the best man and Emma was the flower girl, and overall it was a very fun and happy occasion for everyone. We drove down to Corpus Christi on Thursday for the whirlwind wedding weekend.
The wedding was held at the Ranch at San Patricio, which was 30-40 minutes outside of Corpus and was a REALLY cool venue. It’s always nice to be reminded that Texas can be really pretty, and this place did just that. The forecast was calling for torrential rains on Saturday, but we optimistically rehearsed outside on Friday evening. (We also rehearsed inside, and ultimately that’s where the ceremony was since it did indeed rain the entire day on Saturday.)
We stayed in the ranch house on Friday night, which was also really cool — the inside was covered with wood paneling, a vintage-look stove, and plenty of animal antlers. The whole thing was very “rustic Texas countryside” which I would never do in my own home, but which I loved in that setting.
Saturday dawned gloomy and rainy, but there was still a wedding to do! We spent the morning lounging around, followed by a slow trip through the downpour to nearby Mathis, Texas to bring back McDonald’s biscuits for everyone for breakfast. We ventured out again for lunch, then helped set up a few things in the wedding hall, and then it was time to get ready!
We had just gotten Emma’s dress the day before, since Krystle had someone in Corpus make it for her, so Emma hadn’t seen it until I took it out of the bag to get her dressed. I had, however, told her several times that she’d get to wear a pretty white dress and she was VERY excited about it — and about how poofy it was. (By the end of the night, the tulle was totally ratted together because she loved to scrunch it up in her hands. Pretty cute.)
I know I’m biased, but I thought she looked pretty darn adorable in her dress, jean vest, and cowboy boots!
I wasn’t sure how it would go, but Emma actually did a great job as flower girl. It definitely helped that we had practiced on Friday night, and also that Jose was standing right up front — I was able to give Emma a gentle push at the back of the aisle and whisper “walk to Daddy!” and she did exactly that. (Well, she broke into a run towards the end, but close enough!)
The one thing we hadn’t been able to practice on Friday was the actual tossing of flower petals. She ended up carrying the basket and then accidentally spilled it on the floor at the end while hugging Jose. That led to a cry of “my flowers!!” followed by a brief wail. Ha. She and Jose picked them up and put them back in the basket, and she was happy again.
During dinner, Krystle’s mom surprised most of the attendees — including Alex! — with a mariachi band! Emma LOVED them. I mean, seriously loved them, so much that she followed them around from table to table and at one point, Jose had to retrieve her from the middle of the pack in fear that she was about to get poked by a bow or bopped with a guitar.
What a fun wedding weekend! We’re happy to have Krystle officially in the family!
1. Ridiculously cute dress. 2. One thing I am taking from Texas (and my own wedding in Mexico) is that all weddings should have mariachi bands. We need to export this tradition. Best wedding music ever.
YES to mariachis everywhere!