Yesterday I sold my entire set of Playstation 2 stuff — everything from the console to the games to the guitars to the dance pads. I got $250 for it, so I was pretty happy. Since Jose got his PS3 a few months ago, the PS2 has been sitting around totally unused, not even plugged in to the TV. Of course, getting rid of all that stuff meant I can no longer play Guitar Hero when I get the itch, and this was obviously an unacceptable situation. So we headed to Best Buy last night to pick up Guitar Hero World Tour (which we never got for PS2) and, at the last minute, added Guitar Hero III to the mix to get a second guitar. At the checkout my total was $248.55. So I got rid of the stuff we no longer used and got the stuff we wanted now, and made $1.45 in the process. Pretty good trade.
There’s not much else to report this week. It’s been quiet.
Santa brought my hubby a PS3 this year too…although he is not quite ready to give up his PS2.