After my blog post last week about the importance of registering to vote, I’m sure you’ll all find it ironic and amusing that I realized on Saturday that my own voter registration is no longer valid! Sure, I’m registered to vote in Harris County, but as of last month I now live in Galveston County. And I’d already changed my driver’s license so the state knows all about it. Turns out I needed to re-register in Galveston County to be eligible and the deadline is today! I walked into the county annex just before 9:00 to find a huge line going out the door of the tax assessor’s office. Fortunately, I only waited in that line for about 2 minutes before spotting a small sign on the desk of one of the clerks — turns out that guy was doing only voter registration, and he had no line! (Everyone else was there for car registration, etc.) Two minutes later, I was successfully re-registered.
Moral of the story: make sure you’re registered, and that your registration is current. You’ve got until the end of today if you’re in Texas!
Dang it – should have read this on Monday, since I too have moved.
I am registered. Sweet on getting out of there so quickly. Early voting is the only way I will vote especially on this on it will be the longest lines without a doubt.
LOL, I realized the same thing. Fortunately, I still have my old ID, so I will be voting in my old ‘hood.