Last night I discovered that I accidentally stole $600 worth of software.
Um, oops?
See, a few weeks ago I bought the educational version of Adobe’s Creative Suite — needing to upgrade this software was part of the decision that led to me getting a Mac. Only I thoughtlessly ordered the Windows version of the software, a fact that I did not realize until I’d opened the package and was about to install the software. Thankfully, the seller, an academic software sales website that I’ve bought from before, was very understanding and told me they would take it back despite the missing shrink wrap, since I hadn’t actually installed it and used the serial number. So two weeks ago I grabbed the package and put it in the mail. The refund came through a few days ago, and all was well.
Until I was cleaning off the coffee table last night and picked up a stack of magazines and papers to put away. And underneath that stack was the smaller CD case that had been inside the software package’s outer box. And inside that CD case were 5 CDs containing all the Adobe programs, plus serial numbers.
Apparently I returned the outer packaging, but not the software itself. I never checked inside the box — I just mailed it away. And apparently the software company didn’t actually open the package when they got it back!
So I’ve been refunded the money for something I didn’t return. Obviously I will return it (though I’m a bit worried that it will confuse them and somehow they’ll charge me again), but my ditziness made me laugh.
I do stuff like that all the time… Sometimes I think I have a big neon DORK sign blinking over my head…
Just ask my kids. They always see that side of me! LOL