So it turns out that 2.5 weeks of constant activity is my breaking point. I’m not sure that I can handle much more. I’m sitting here doing my 3D modelling homework and hating it. This is the class I like, but I’m hating it because all I want to do, with every fiber of my being, is lie on the couch and read my book. The book that I have not picked up since, oh, about mid-February.
This morning my throat was a little sore. A sore throat is a tell-tale sign that I’m about to get sick. I really, really do not want to get sick right now, a mere 36 hours before my Vomit Comet flight.
I have had sims.
I have had software testing.
I have had load checkouts.
I have had homework, and a test that I didn’t do very well on.
I completed an 80-page program for the upcoming Miss Houston and Miss Houston Teen pageants and sent it off to the printer. That was really exciting. It was my first paid graphic design job. It was also a lot of work.
I have had no time for stress relief, which means I have had no time for working out, since working out is my stress relief. It sounds funny to say that I haven’t been exercising, since I did a 200+ mile relay with 13 of my friends. But that’s the only running I’ve done in 2+ weeks. Last night I got on the bike trainer for an hour, which was the only time I’ve cycled in 2+ weeks. I can only hope that I haven’t lost too much fitness.
I switched from the Half Ironman to the Quarter Ironman. I didn’t want the distance hanging over my head after this period of zero training. I know I can get back on track to do a Quarter Iron, so I’m excited. It was the right decision.
I’m signed up for the Pelican Challenge at Seabrook this weekend, but it’s going to be ugly. I’m considering backing out of the Sunday race, but I think it’s far too late to transfer the entry, and that makes me not want to waste it. Last year I ran 2:21 on Saturday and 2:29 on Sunday. This year I don’t expect to do that well. Maybe 2:25 on Saturday and 2:35 on Sunday. I’d be happy with that.
Airborne, Sarah. That sore throat will be gone before you know it!
You have been pretty busy! Glad the launch went well, the 3d models you’ve shown here have been good, who really likes software testing, and I’m glad you had fun making the program.
By the way, that book… it’s not… SOUTH, per chance, is it?