I’ve got to be up again in 5 hours, but here I still sit, messing around on the computer. Although I still have two days of vacation left in Corpus Christi, I’m not ready for the holidays to be over — or really, I’m just not ready to go back to work!
I don’t know what I was thinking when I bought my plane ticket. I leave at the absurd hour of 6:10 a.m. which means I’ve got to be up at 4:30. (Thank goodness the Charlotte airport is closer to my house than IAH is to Clear Lake!) With a short half hour layover in Houston, by the time I get to Corpus Christi it still won’t even be 10:00 in the morning. It’ll be nice to have the whole day there — if I can stay awake.
Charlotte has been lovely. Katie and Joel apparently brought the weather with them from Seattle because it has been overcast and drizzly for much of my 10 days here, but that’s my only real complaint. We have done tons of eating, shopping, talking, and Wii bowling. SO MUCH Wii bowling. I am now a Wii bowling pro, and so when I bowl my character gets to use a ball with shiny sparkly stars on it. Woo!
I haven’t mentioned running lately because there hasn’t been much to speak of. I tried to add a running log of my latest workouts via RunningAhead.com after seeing Jen put it on her site, but I wasn’t able to get it working properly this afternoon — it kept on messing up the rest of my sidebar.
I’ve done 4 runs plus a couple walks with my mom while here, but the hills have taken their toll more than usual. This afternoon I did 8 miles and by the last couple, I was walking every uphill section. I went back out on a 3+ mile walk with my mom just to put my total over 10 for the day, but I was discouraged. I’m going through the worst bout of motivational issues I’ve had in quite a while, and while I know I’ll finish the Aramco Half Marathon without a problem in two weeks, it certainly won’t be my best performance.
Next year…