I just got an email at the HARRA webmaster address that says (typos included):
“This is bad if your websitehas not been updated. My god get with it or let some one else do the job, No excuse”
It was in the junk folder, but so was a legitimate email. So I can’t tell if it’s spam, or if someone is actually upset. I must admit that I’m not quite sure what they’re getting at here, since the website has been updated far more frequently in the past 6 months than it had been before. I suppose if they have a legitimate complaint, or care to point out what they’re looking at that needs to be updated, then they’ll email back a more complete comment.
Oh well, people are weird.
Work is going horribly slowly this week. I’m down to mere hours of ARD tasks still to do, which means that hopefully I’ll be officially certified by the end of the week. The downside to finishing, however, is that it means that I begin a month-long period of reading, reading, and more reading. I won’t start sims until March at the very earliest. Sigh. Why does there always have to be a downside to starting a new job? Why can’t I just jump in?
Becca and Jen joined me for swimming last night. I did 1250 yards in about 25 minutes. I need to go buy a cheapo watch that I can use
Next time, I’m going to try to remember to take a thermometer to measure the temperature of the pool water. It’s on the chilly side — cold when I first jump in, then perfect as I swim my laps (I don’t get hot), but then it gets cold again as soon as I stop. I need a calibration point to get an idea of what “average water temperature is 68-70 degrees, wetsuits are highly recommended” really means. Becca and Jen both independently guessed about 75 degrees, which isn’t much warmer than the Half Ironman predicted temperatures. In that case, I should be fine with a sleeveless wetsuit.
I also looked up exactly where the swim course is. The name of the body of water is Offatts Bayou, but as you can tell from the map, it’s less of a bayou and more of an inlet! Seems to me that the temperature should be pretty similar to the temperature of the Gulf, or maybe a few degrees warmer. Fortunately Gulf temperatures are readily available and list the average March and April temperatures as 61 and 71 degrees, respectively. So 68-70 seems like a good prediction.
Tuesdays are looking to be fairly hectic this spring. I have class from 4-7, which means coming in to work early and going to the gym late. I’m already looking forward to the weekend to get some headway on my long to-do list of stuff outside of work. Jose won’t be around this weekend, which is sad, and yet means that I might actually clean my apartment… I’m going to stop this train of thought before I get too overwhelmed by all that I need to do.
That was spam, Beck.
As usual someone is offering criticism without suggestion. I think the HARRA site is updated a lot more today then previously. Thank you!
Just caught Steeve’s comment about the spam on the comment preview. Glad it’s not legit!
Wow – what a jerk.
1) the site looks great -2) you are lightning fast with most updates
I wonder what s/he was looking for? That would be helpful.
Missed you last night. Roger should have the final Runner of the Season Stats out next week. Maybe you want to put that on the site??
Did you get my e-mail about Dryden? E-mail me back sometime
You are doing a GREAT job with the HARRA website and I appreciate all the work you do to keep it up to date. That person obviously was not a regular reader…just a meany…don’t let them bother you!