Whew. My rep in the U.S. House is no longer Tom Delay, and is no longer nobody. I now have a Democratic rep: Nick Lampson. He was my rep when I first moved down here, and now he is my rep again. Yay. Thanks to Delay’s totally sketchy efforts to redistrict Texas, Lampson lost his seat two years ago, likely would have lost again had Delay run, and now will probably keep the seat for the minimum of two years before losing in 2008 to the Republican who lost yesterday only because she wasn’t actually on the ballot; she was a write-in candidate because Delay resigned too late. Even as a write-in, she got 62,000 votes (Lampson got 77,000). I expect her to win handily in 2008. Unfortunately.
Such is life for a Democrat in Texas.
Jose and I ran last night, 3 miles in 34:11. It’s faster than he’s run since the spring. I think it was because he was worried that we were out on the trail in the rapidly deepening dark. We headed out at about 5:15, so by the time we were coming through the home stretch it was pretty hard to see. He says my night vision must be better; that may be true, and I spotted runners ahead of us more quickly than he did, but I think I’m just used to it. I’ve run in the dark on the trail before, and I know that trail like the back of my hand. I know where all the quarter-mile markers are, and where each turn is. I’m not too worried about my safety, because the trail is well-paved. I suppose I could get attacked by a deer, but I figure they have better night vision than me and can get out of my way.
Jose and I worry about totally different things. He worries about running in the dark, or driving in a big thunderstorm, or making sure I lock the door when I’m home alone. I worry about the intangibles. Bottom line: I worry about ifs and maybes and things I can’t control, and he worries about things he can.
His way is probably better.
Incumbants seeking reelection to the House have a 98% success rate in the last decade. So, don’t expect him to lose. He’ll have a serious advantage in 2 years.
You run on a trail at night? Is it wooded? Sarah, that is so dangerous – go with Jose’s instinct on this one! Do you watch the news at all? Do you own some mace? Maybe you should get some… Do I sound like your mother yet?
You should take Bennet with you running at night. He’ll protect you (or at least he’ll look scary). The trail she runs is inside a security gate at a government facility — the only thing I’d be worried about are the animals.
It’s the Gilruth trail! Not a totally random one.
unless its a FULL BRIGHT moon the deer wont be out feeding past dusk.
dont ask how i know that.
A word of warning:
What about me – I worry about ALL of it – the things I can control, and the things I can’t. Everything you mentioned – I worry about.
Except running on a trail at night. That I think is probably quite safe, especially on NASA property. Though a nice puppy (ie Becca’s) would make it safer.