Life has been interesting lately. And busy. Too busy. It’s only Thursday, but it has been a very rough week.
First there was the fact that I didn’t go out of town as planned last weekend. I was stressed out and had too much studying to do, so I didn’t go. But then, of course, not going stressed me out, and made me sad.
Then there was my cert qual, which thankfully went well. Still — a major source of stress.
Then there’s the steady stream of evening activities that have left me with just about zero personal time this week. I get antsy and anxious when I have no personal time, and as much as I enjoy hanging out with friends and watching classic Japanese movies (like last night), it doesn’t count as personal time.
Then’s there just life in general. I have always been a bit of a worrier, especially when it comes to major life changes. I like plans, and I like to know what’s coming. Major life changes scare me. Major life changes freak me out. I even get freaked out over other people’s major life changes.
Next week I finally move to my new job, the one I got back in August. I got the job almost three months ago, and yet until next week, nothing has changed. I haven’t started training for Rendezvous GPO. In fact, I know basically nothing about rendezvous; I will be starting from zero. I’m a little scared, and a lot intimidated.
I’m stressed. I need a vacation. I really want to go see Jen out in west Texas next weekend, but I’d need to be there by early Friday morning and I have to be at work till 9 on Thursday night. That pretty much rules out any reasonable means of getting to El Paso (i.e. commercial flight or driving). Anybody got a rocket I can borrow?
Today’s weather would be great for a run, but I’ve got two hours of softball tonight instead. I haven’t really been in the mood for softball this season; not sure why. Maybe I’ll take next season off and just sub. Multiple people have pointed out to me that softball is an athletic activity and that I’ll run some during the game; however, I should point out that I’m really not a very good hitter, and therefore never have to run any farther than first base.
June and Vic, I think I’m going to join you on Sunday morning.
Yes! A nice 13 miler will cure what ails you
BTW your postcard ad is way cool.
Sarah, meet June in front of the tennis center. She and Erica are departing around 6:30. I think Erica may cut it a little short and I’m leaving early so we should all be able to meet back together to go to breakfast. I’ll be sure and let June and Erica know to watch for you in case you haven’t already touched base with them.