At lunch on Tuesday, I asked someone how their holiday break went. They responded with something along the lines of: “It was nice, but after a few days I was ready for it to be over. None of my friends live at home anymore, so it was just me and my parents. I can only take so much time with them before they start to drive me crazy.”
His comment made me realize what a great relationship I have with my parents. I suppose I’m lucky in that sense. They are awesome, and we get along fabulously. I spent the majority of the holiday break with either Mom or Dad or both, and never once wished that my vacation would end. Dad and I talked about the news, Mom and I shopped endlessly, we all went out to eat… Sure, we have our arguments (my Dad and I yelled at each other for 5 minutes last week when he started lecturing me on, of all things, how to correctly log out of a website), but I love them and love spending time with them, especially now that the times we see each other are so few and far between.
Last night I went for a run in 70+ degree weather. A few hours later it was 55, and by this morning it was a chilly 44. Within a day and a half, it’s supposed to be back in the 70s. And permanently gray.
We have like a foot of snow on the ground here. I could not get my car out of its parking space this morning. so. much. snow. though warm for this time of year. That is the irony of living here – snow means warmth.