Hey — this guy hates the Right Now! graphic on Fox baseball broadcasts as much as I do! God forbid you actually have to pay attention to the game to find out what’s happening.
“Then there’s Fox’s “Right Now!” graphic. It tells you what’s happening Right Now! I’m glad they’re clear about that, because once in a while they might put up information about, say, August 1939, and due to the length of the game and my diminished mental capacity, I might think that stuff pertains to Right Now!”
I think it’s the exclamation point that really makes it so irksome.
We hit the climbing gym last night for the first time in a couple months, and my arms and hands are paying for it today. It was fun to go back, but I’m still getting far too frustrated over not seeing much improvement in my climbing abilities. I just don’t have the arm strength to haul myself up certain parts of the wall, and I’m starting to doubt that I’ll ever have it. I have bigger biceps than I ever have, and I still can’t do a pull-up. Doesn’t seem promising.
While pondering why I wasn’t climbing on the previous Monday, I remembered that it was because I was attending the BEST BASEBALL GAME I HAVE EVER WITNESSED. (Brandon Backe, Woody Williams, NLCS Game 5.) Ah, the memories.