My sister posted the link to this 80s music quiz on her site. It is really fun to take, especially if you’re a child of the 80s like me. I have to admit that I didn’t do that well (end score of 69.5), but I offer two reasons: first, I didn’t listen to much radio in the 80s and when I did, it was whatever easy listening station my mom had on, and second, I’ve never been good at calling up song lyrics without the music that goes with them. On a lot of these, I couldn’t quite get the correct answer but once I scored the quiz and saw the whole line, I could immediately start humming the tune.
Just the way my brain works, I guess. Without the music, I don’t remember the lyrics nearly as well.
Last night the Astros gave away the baseball game. It was incredibly frustrating to be in the stands, surrounded by the Cubs fans that seem to pop up everywhere (now I understand how people are often annoyed by the numbers of Braves fans everywhere; thank WGN and TBS for that, I guess), and watching the Astros leave twelve men on base. Dotel took the blown save, although all three of his runs were unearned due to Lance Berkman’s catching error to open the ninth. The really sad part is that Wade Miller pitched great, and really deserved the win. Instead, he got a no-decision, and the Astros dropped their second game in a row to the Cubs. Hopefully they’ll win tonight and tomorrow to split the series. Though I’m sure Christina and Ben are happy about the past couple days…
It took me all afternoon yesterday (not to mention multiple days a few weeks ago), but I finally pinned down part of the problem in my sim. Thank god. It doesn’t exactly make me happy, because the damn thing still doesn’t work entirely as it should, but at least it’s a step in the right direction. As I was saying to Jen last week, it wouldn’t be so bad if I were 1) writing my own code or 2) debugging my own code. But I’m 1) trying to fix someone else’s code and 2) trying to debug someone else’s code. From my limited experience with code, I am convinced that no two people ever think about it in exactly the same way, thus making it exasperating for me to try and interpret someone else’s stuff, much less fix it.
You’d think I’d be happy to find a bug that at least two other people haven’t noticed. Instead, I’m just annoyed.
And so it goes. I’m picking up Irwin from the airport tonight since Becca is sailing, and then Debbie and I are going kayaking in her Walmart inflatable kayak. If it doesn’t continue to thunderstorm, that is…
rain, rain, go away, come again some other day
dude. that was a great game last night.
You did better than me. I only got a score of 43. Oh well.