My new computer came last night and I didn’t even have time to set it up. Instead, I spent the evening walking the race course again at Challenger Park to figure out where the mile markers should go, finding two geocaches in the process, and then coming home to stuff race packets (thanks Gavin, Jo, Ron, Debbie, Jason, and Jen for the help!) and make signs. When everyone left, I did have time to quickly list the monitor that came with my computer on ebay, so if anyone wants to bid on a 17″ flat panel monitor, head this way. Also, American Idol was surprising last night, and reinforced the fact that the American public is a bunch of idiots. John sang like crap on Tuesday, and wasn’t even in the bottom three. Idiots, I say.
Tonight I need to go to Home Depot to get sign stakes, and then at 6:00 Jason and Debbie and I are going to Sam’s Club to buy food for the race, then I have softball at 9. Tomorrow I leave work before 2:00 to go to the running store for early packet pickup with Ron. At some point I’ll also have to run home to get packages from my apartment complex office before they close for the day. I am just all over the place this week, and have been sleeeeeeeepy the whole time. When the race is over, hopefully I will get some rest.
In other news, every time I hear another of Becca’s bad neighbor stories, it makes me never, ever want to buy a house. Last night her freaky overly sensitive neighbors called the police about Bennet barking. The police! And apparently the neighbors said the the only solution at this point is for Becca to get rid of Apache and Bennet; they told her they are “working on the situation” and trying to get rid of the dogs. It’s bizarre to me that they think the only solution is for the dogs to disappear.
Now, I am not a huge dog person, and find constantly barking dogs extremely annoying, so I am predisposed to agreeing the neighbors instead of Becca…and I would, if Bennet was truly out in the backyard barking every day, non-stop. But I don’t think he is. And Apache, though I think she has doggy A.D.D., is not really a barker from what I can tell. So it seems like a little neighborly compromise is in order. The neighbors have only spoken to Becca about the problem three or four times, and Becca has made a considerable effort to fix things–buying bark collars, and usually getting home by 5 or 6 to bring the dogs inside for the evening. Yet the neighbors leave anonymous threatening phone calls, and now have taken to calling the police?
I’m never buying a house. I’m going to stay in my nice apartment complex where I don’t have a yard that has to be maintained a particular way, and I don’t have appliances that are my responsibility to fix, and I don’t have freaky neighbors that leave mean messages on my answering machine.
Anyway. I’ve already had two April Fool’s pranks played on me, but I figured them out quickly. Hurrah.
And finally, send happy thoughts Katie’s way. It must be in our family’s nature to hate change, but like new things. She’s stressed out by Tech…I think we can all relate.
Older voters like someone who can’t sing?
Yo Sarah – John has keyed in an otherwise unsoliticited demographic in American Idol. He’s the only singer that appeals to the older voter. Not everyone who is voting is 18.
No, older voters like Sinatra.