i have been tossing and turning a lot in my sleep lately. at least i must be, because i wake up in the morning with my tank top all twisted around my body. for unknown reasons, i have not been sleeping as soundly since i moved to the new apartment. i think it may be due to the bed and window placement. my bed is right next to the window, which in turn is directly on the outside of the building; in my old apartment, the bed was on the opposite side of the room from the window, and the window faced the balcony, which was darker than if it just faced directly outside. i think my bedroom is too light at night. perhaps i should just go buy a curtain, as the blinds really don’t make it dark enough.
this also leads to interesting dreams, and mornings where i wake up to memories that seem really long ago and far away. i was reliving a january saturday night in san francisco, and though i remember so many of the little details, it sort of feels like i wasn’t actually there.
and my groin is feeling much better today, thanks.
on to more exciting things. last night i held the first organizational and brainstorming meeting for the 5k run/walk i am planning. the date is april 10, 2004, but that’s all i know for certain. last night we narrowed the field down to 3 potential courses, all across the road in nassau bay, and some of us are going to bike them later this week. but i am most excited about the support it looks like i am going to get from my friends! ron and buzz volunteered to do registration and results, debbie and jason volunteered for the post-race party and kid’s race, gavin took course setup and management, edgar’s going to help with the finances, betsy’s going to help with logistics, jen’s going to recruit volunteers… everything is going swimmingly; at the moment, i am organized, we have 6+ months to plan, and i have incredible and awesome friends. this thing is really going to happen!
this morning on the radio the djs were discussing where to draw the line on whether a coach (of a 7-8 year old kid’s soccer team) is simply teaching discipline or being unnecessarily harsh. the discussion made me want to go out and sign up to coach a kid’s soccer team. not that i will, but wouldn’t it be fun?
anyway, i’ve got to go finish putting together a couple slides i have to present this afternoon. we’re having a peer review.
i wish i had more exciting things to say!