we had the test for part 1 of training academy this morning. i passed. duh. i missed one question, though i maintain that the computer’s answer is wrong. the air data probes are a part of the shuttle’s mechanical system, and the body flap is not (it’s apu/hydraulics). i will argue with anyone who says otherwise. though i haven’t found anyone who says otherwise, no one except the damn computer.
the only thing that made this really annoying was that this bothersome 50-ish guy named george got 100 (because he didn’t get the air data probe/body flap question, because the questions are pulled from a question bank at random) and couldn’t stop bragging about it. ugh. and i quote from george: “i just think it’s funny that all you guys [he’s referring to me and buzz] with your master’s and ph.d.’s got your ass kicked by me!” double ugh. never mind that he’s 50 and still stuck working in freaking nav. when buzz and i are 50, we’ll be running the place and no one will care that george got 36 of 36 while i only got 35 of 36. take THAT george!!
{sigh} i know i sound absurd, but he irritated me. then again, i’m probably too competitive. it’s training academy for god’s sake.
on to better things. last night i made my debut as right fielder for the loaded bats, the coed softball team i’m playing on this fall. we won 11-4! i was new to the team, so i got stuck in right field and at the very bottom of the batting order, because of course the manager didn’t know what i could do. well boo yeah! i went 2 for 3 with an rbi! YEAH!! i got the rbi when i came up to bat with the bases loaded.
in the field, well, only one ball was hit even remotely in my direction, but i fielded it perfectly. i’m happy that i was able to play really well, since everyone was basically getting their first impression of me, and deciding whether i’d really help the team all that much. i’m so happy i played well and helped the team! i’ve never really been that athletic, so i’m just feeling really proud of myself.
we have training academy part 1 “graduation” this afternoon, and i don’t really want to go, but i know it would be considered poor form if i don’t. because they’re having an astronaut coming to talk. ooooooh. never mind that he’s not even an active astronaut, and that he’s the commander responsible for the biggest screwup by a crew since scott carpenter’s mercury mission. yeah, they really care about us training academy folks. gimme a break.
i’m in a cynical mood today aren’t i? hmm.