what good is having a crush when your crushes always end up dating someone before you get up the guts to ask them out? argh. both my crushes of recent memory are now “dating” people. or at least pseudo-dating. whatever. i should just develop a crush on someone completely unattainable, then i couldn’t be disappointed when they don’t develop a crush on me as well.
last night i was emailing carter and saying that i hope he comes out here to visit and see all the ballparks he wants to see. in the middle, i suddenly thought “well, let’s see if it’s really doable or not” and so i looked up the june schedules for the giants, a’s, dodgers, padres, angels, diamondbacks, and even mariners. this can totally be done. if you resign yourself to flying to seattle instead of driving, the trip can be done: 7 teams, 7 ballparks, two finals, and one master’s degree from stanford in 16-17 days in june. all for less than $1000 per person for everything.
i’d love to do this! preferably with someone, preferably with carter since he is the big baseball fan and i know how much he would love it. if i can talk him into it, i have absolutely no reservations about going, since my travel apprehensions usually arise only when i’m going solo. if carter isn’t up for it, perhaps alex or iffy would be. but i’d like to do the west coast baseball tour regardless. we’ll see. i’m definitely going to do something this summer. i refuse to go straight to houston to start my boring ol’ job. i want a final summer travel fling before i go.