Whew. I mean, just whew. Back in January I was optimistic about moving past a somewhat “meh” feeling throughout 2022…and now in April, I’m finding that while I may have goals and good intentions, life is just so very full right now that there isn’t a lot of time for sewing. I’ve done a lot of thinking and plotting and some hand stitching. Perhaps spring will bring a bit more sewing time? We shall see.

First, a wrap-up of my goals for winter:
- Make pajama pants for my family. Nope.
- Plan (and kick off ?) this year’s Pantone Quilt Challenge with my friend Elizabeth. Done and underway!
- Release 1 pattern and make the cover quilt. Nope.
- Finish HMQG 2022 Block-of-the-Month. I finished the top and loaded it onto my longarm in January…and it has been sitting there every since.
- Prep for and teach QuiltCon workshops — and of course enjoy the show itself! Done!
- Start a 100 day project. Done! And we’re approaching the 50 day mark.
- Make Quilts Unscripted Bee Blocks each month. Done!
- Also done:
- Framed and hung my cross stitch piece from last year.
- Made quilted shoes!
- A healthy amount of tech editing.

As I look forward to spring, I have to admit that I’m not super optimistic about what I’ll be able to accomplish amidst work, travel, and two kids with very active school and extracurricular lives. But part of the reason I set goals in the first place is to give myself a target. So with that in mind, here’s what I’d love to get done by July:
- Tech Editing 101 live discussion with Yvonne! See my earlier post for more about this.
- Aurifil Artisan April project. We’re highlighting some new threads later this month!
- Finish HMQG 2022 Block-of-the-Month. I’m not exaggerating about it sitting on the longarm for the last 2+ months…I don’t want to have to unload it without quilting it, so time to get it done.
- Write my next pattern and make the cover quilt. I have a design and the fabric. Once I get cutting, I think I’ll build momentum.
- Make a quilt to highlight an upcoming fabric line. I’m still playing around with design ideas for this one and will share the fabric soon.
- Make Quilts Unscripted Bee blocks each month.
Off I go!
I find that things really seem to come in fits and spurts for me. I had a really busy quilting first quarter of 2023 and now I feel chained to my computer. Whatever you are able to get done, I hope you enjoy what you are working on!!
I have definitely felt chained to the computer lately! Perhaps it’s time to schedule a few computer-free weeks after our tech editing panel.