Despite January’s efforts to last forever, the calendar tells me is it finally February. It’s been gray and wet and freezing cold all week, so pretty typical February grossness thus far. (It sounds like the rest of Texas is icy though, so I am glad we don’t have that mess at the moment.)
My schedule is particularly crowded this week at work, with meetings stacked on top of meetings. My deputy has been on vacation for the last 2+ weeks so I’ve been “single string,” as the NASA lingo would say. There is only one of me, and only one thing I can do at a time, so I have had to tell several people that I can’t support this or that. I feel bad for not being able to cover everything — and also feel frustration with our entire system that, when I’m feeling cynical, seems to consist of nothing more than endless meetings. Needless to say, it will be nice when my deputy returns next week!!
Yesterday’s meeting was held in a particularly cold conference room, which left me grumpier than usual. At least I was able to retreat to my office — and the space heater under my desk — at lunchtime.

Late last week, the backing fabric I ordered for this half-square triangle quilt (which I made for the Houston MQG block of the month last year) arrived, and I excitedly loaded it onto my longarm…and, well, it has sat for the last 5 days waiting for me to return. This weekend, I hope!
(I did also get my January blocks done for my bee. One of my small goals for 2023 is to not be late with any of my bee blocks, so whew, check mark for the first month.)

“There’s a lot going on,” I say, and I suppose that will be the refrain for, oh, at least until the kids are both out of the house. This week, in addition to my work schedule, Jose’s work schedule (which also included a big review):
- On Monday, Emma had to stay late at school to practice for Honor Choir. (She was one of 4 students selected for Honor Choir! That was a surprise, but a happy one.)
- On Tuesday, Emma had to be at school early for regular choir. After school both girls had Kuk Sool Won. I usually stay and watch, but this time I dropped them at the door and drove over to the middle school to deliver a form. I don’t know why emailing the form was unacceptable; that sure would have been more convenient. Then I dropped off a quilt at the UPS store on its way to the Mid-Atlantic Quilt Festival. Then back to martial arts to grab the girls.
- Yesterday, Emma and I had a meeting at 7:30 for the upcoming 5th grade DC trip, but I couldn’t stay because I had to be at work by 8. Jose took her and ended up staying. It was also the 101st day of school so Charlotte’s 1st grade class all dressed like dalmatians and generally had a grand old time. I got a haircut after work that I had scheduled a while ago, then was solo with the girls for dinner while Jose went out.
- Today, Spirit Squad was thankfully cancelled so no one has to be at school early!! I have more meetings but fingers crossed the conference room won’t be so chilly. The girls have martial arts this afternoon and Jose has a happy hour. If he gets home early enough from his happy hour, then *I* also have a happy hour I may try to squeeze in. But we’ll see.
- Tomorrow Emma has to be at school early for Art Club…but then the rest of the day might actually be relatively calm?? Maybe we can order takeout and watch a movie.
- Saturday is the elementary school carnival which will be barely controlled chaos — but I do actually enjoy this event, so I’m looking forward to it. And it’s supposed to be sunny again!
It’s surprising how quickly kid activities have ramped up in the last 9 months or so. I know they are hitting the ages where there is more to do — particularly Emma — but whew!
Three weeks from today, I will be in Atlanta for QuiltCon. I still have a lot to do before I leave, but I’m getting really excited for the show.
I was tired just reading that. I have a senior in high school and once they can drive themselves things get a lot looser. However, I am trying to savor the moments since this time next year no one will really need me to remind/make lunch/wake up!!! Enjoy while (and when!) you can. Some days this is easier than others.
It makes me tired just to read this. I remember those busy days with my two kids. And, I could keep all that info stored in my brain! Sending Southern California’s sunshine your way, but we are still cold here.
Isla’s activities are becoming very difficult to manage, and Bri is right behind. It’s hard to know how to balance giving them opportunities to try things versus the impact on quality of life for our family with all the driving, interrupted dinners, etc.
Yes, I totally agree — hard to let them explore interests while also not killing ourselves with an overly busy schedule. We only do 1 extracurricular at the moment — martial arts — and everything else is school-organized. And it’s still a lot!!