Oh October! Halloween, fall, school activities, baseball, quilting. The change in weather aggravates my allergies, and I’ve spent most of the month trying to balance itchy eyes and sniffles with a rather breakneck schedule of activities.

Kid stuff: Charlotte got to march in the high school homecoming parade with the elementary school Spirit Squad. Both kids are doing school-related clubs — Spirit Squad, choir, Art Club — which means that 2-3 days per week, at least one of them has to be at school by 7:15-7:30. We decorated book character pumpkins for the school library. Both girls are working with Jose on science projects. The PTA hosted their annual fall social. We got Halloween costumes. Both girls were promoted to yellow belt in Kuk Sool Won.
As I am writing this list, I realize that we haven’t gotten pumpkins yet — yikes! Hope there are some left…

Family stuff: We went to the Bayou City Art Festival, and to Froberg’s fall festival, and to Zoo Boo. We made cupcakes and owl cookies. We’ve played board games and read books and watched F1 and a LOT of baseball.

Baseball: I hope I never take for granted the fact that we have had 6 amazing years (and counting?) of postseason baseball in Houston. The Astros’ run continues to be incredible! We got tickets to game 1 of the ALCS and saw the Astros win. And we snagged tickets to game 2 of the World Series this weekend. Eeeek!

Quilting: I did a lecture for a local guild at the beginning of the month, and last week I drove to Brenham for the day for a lecture and workshop. I’m prepping for a virtual workshop on November 2. Quilt Market starts on Friday, followed by Quilt Festival the following weekend. I’m also helping both girls make a quilt for the QuiltCon youth category, and trying to finish up one more of my own quilts by the October 31 deadline.

Whew! October. I need a nap.