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This Thursday, I’ll be releasing the pattern for my Game Night quilt! This quilt is a striking modern skill-builder that uses 7 different blocks and 3 different techniques — straight piecing, curved piecing, and applique.
There are many different applique methods, but today I’m sharing a video tutorial on how I do turned edge circle applique:

(If the embedded video isn’t working, view the tutorial on YouTube.)
This is a well-known technique used by countless quilters. I tried it for the first time last summer when making my Zero Eccentricity quilt, and I love the crisp, perfectly round circles it produces. (For Zero Eccentricity, I used the Perfect Circle templates by Karen Kay Buckley, which I highly recommend if you want to make a lot of small circles.)
For this turned edge technique, you don’t need any specialty supplies other than a sturdy circle template in the appropriate size(s). For the Game Night quilt, the templates are provided in the pattern. I like to print them on regular printer paper, then glue them to a file folder or old cereal box to make them sturdier. The most “unusual” item I use in this process is a cheap paintbrush, which I use to apply liquid starch to the seam allowance of my fabric pieces.
Happy circle-making!
Dear Sarah,
Thank you for this tutorial- and for speaking slowly and clearly. My english is not good, but here I did understand everything.