The Gulf Coast Modern Quilt Guild is doing a UFO (Unfinished Object) this year! UFO challenges are certainly not new and I’ve seen them many times before, but never joined one myself. I decided to finally jump onboard with my guild in the hopes of getting some lingering projects finished up!

I made a list of 12 projects so that I can easily divvy things up and work at a rate of one project per month. I don’t want to spend the entire year working only on UFOs, so one per month should give me time to finish these projects, but also leave time for other things.
My guild provided the handy-dandy template below where I was able to check off the steps that have already been completed for each of these. It quickly became apparent that I like piecing a lot more than quilting — 8 of the 12 items on my list are finished quilt tops! Each of these will be a great opportunity to continue practicing and improving my longarm quilting skills.

I have already finished quilting item #1 — my Embrace the Chaos mini quilt — and expect to have it finished within the next few days.
After that, I am planning to work on my Sew Together bag in February with the hope of having it ready to take with me to QuiltCon mid-month. This bag is the least finished of all the items on my list! I bought a kit at QuiltCon 2019 that had the necessary fabric and zippers, and that kit has been sitting in my sewing room ever since. This bag has a reputation for being a bit tricky, but there are plenty of tutorials and videos out there to help so I’m expecting success.
Can I complete the whole list by the end of 2022? I intend to try!