Well, the inevitable happened and I missed a day of posting this month! Oops. I had it on my list for last night, but then got distracted and totally forgot. Ah well. Clearly — from both the miss yesterday and the content of this post today — I didn’t have a “meaty” post to give you anyway. Ha.
Instead of writing a blog post last night, I was piecing a quilt top. I have done very little sewing other than hanging sleeves since before Thanksgiving, so it felt nice to be sewing again! I can’t share the quilt just yet, but with an early January deadline I really need to get it quilted before my parents arrive on Wednesday. I’ve only got two long seams left in the top, so hopefully I’ll be ready to load it onto the longarm tonight or tomorrow.

Both girls finished out the school week with a bunch of parties and movies and all sorts of fun-sounding activities. Charlotte brought home a cute wreath ornament — and Emma reminded me it was just like the one already hanging on our tree that she made during her own kindergarten year! They’re now hanging next to each other and I love this ornament pair so much. What cuties!
I’m happy to report I had no side effects from my covid booster on Wednesday. What a pleasant surprise that was! My arm was sore for a day or two, and I had a very slight headache on Thursday — but I also went to bed late on Wednesday night and I suspect the headache was much more related to just my general tiredness at this point of the year! In any case, I am very happy to be boosted.
It is pouring outside my window as I type this, but nonetheless we are about to venture downtown to the Hobby Center to see The Little Mermaid. The girls have never been to a large theater performance like this, so we are all excited! Going to a theater with a lot of people is a tad nerve-wracking amidst the omicron news, but both Jose and I seem to have reached the point where we balance a pretty low risk of severe effects (since we are all now vaccinated) with the desire to…live life, I guess. It feels impossible to know when you are making good or bad decisions these days, so I suppose we just do our best.
p.s. I’m doing a 31 day blogging challenge.
I’m so thankful that we are also boosted; hooray for little to no side effects for you. I hope that you make great progress on the quilt and are able to get it finished in time to relax and enjoy family for the holidays!
Is Omicron surging in Houston? I think there will be a short, intense surge in most places, and it will make sense not to do things like go to theaters – or really anywhere if you can avoid it. But other than that, I don’t plan to make any adjustments. There is Omicron here in Seattle, but there are so few cases at the moment, it’s really not relevant. So Jonathan and I are trying to enjoy life now, anticipating things may be annoying in a few weeks.
Yeah, omicron is definitely in Houston and case counts are rising fast. I’m back to feeling like catching it is inevitable. But at least now the whole family is vaccinated. I just hope whenever we catch it, it’s mild. And hoping it doesn’t spoil our holiday plans with family.