There are a whole lot of bizarro pandemic-related “anniversaries” coming up this month. Yesterday marked a full year since I was last in my office. Tomorrow it’ll be a year since the last big event we attended — the Houston Rodeo, which ended up shutting down a few days later. March 14 is the day we drove home from spring break in Florida last year, and we haven’t traveled since. March 14 is also the last day we ate actually sitting in a restaurant.
February goals update:
+ Go on a walk 3 days/week. So-so. I walked several times in the first half of the month…then the winter apocalypse arrived.
+ Eat reasonably. I’m at my lowest weight in over a year, so this is going well!
+ Goodwill & e-recycling drop-offs. Done! Yes!

+ Enjoy QuiltCon Together. Done! Have a half-written blog post with more thoughts about the virtual show.
Other February wins:
+ Survived the winter apocalypse. That was a doozy.
+ Got the covid vaccine. I wrote about getting the vaccine through work, and then updated that post because it was cancelled…but then it was back on again! I got my first dose in early February, and the second dose this past Wednesday. I had body aches and a terrible headache all day Thursday, but felt fine again by Friday.
I am both extremely thankful, and cognizant of the inequity I am benefiting from…and that is, well…I guess it just is.
(And with our governor’s ridiculous decision earlier this week to “open Texas” and rescind mask orders, well, I’m even more thankful, and even more irate that it’s not available to everyone yet.)
+ All of our parents are fully vaccinated! Hooray!
+ Played piano. Badly, as I’ve never had a lesson, but still. Jose revived his old keyboard and it has been really nice to play! I’ve always thought it would be nice to have a piano; I have fond memories of playing around on my grandmother’s piano every summer when we visited her. I think I’m going to ask for a full weighted keyboard or digital piano for my birthday.
+ My first magazine pattern! I was excited to finally get to share the quilt I made last fall, which was featured as a pattern in this year’s QuiltCon Magazine.
March goals:
+ Get a haircut and a pedicure. My birthday falls ~3 weeks after my 2nd covid vaccine, and I feel like a haircut and pedicure — which are both pretty desperately needed — will be a nice way to celebrate.
+ Figure out something fun for Emma’s spring break. I’m more worried about our options thanks to not longer having a mask mandate, but hopefully we can still find something fun to do.
+ Hang patio lights. I bought a string of lights last fall and we still haven’t hung them up. We’re headed into the best weather of the year, so the time is right!
+ Clean up the guest room/longarm room. I tossed most of our Christmas decorations in there in January without ever really putting them away. Oops.
Happy March!