I am very goal-oriented in my quilting life — and life in general — so as I’ve done for several years now, I’m joining up with Quilting Jetgirl’s #2021planningparty and thinking about what I’d like to pursue in the coming year.
Last year I came up with 5 broad guiding principles for my sewing in 2020, focused on finding a good balance between quilting and the other things in my non-work life …
And then covid came along and blew everything out of the water for everyone everywhere. Whew! In an interesting twist, I found myself sewing more than ever thanks to spending so much time at home, but at times it also felt a bit manic. Sewing was one thing I could control, and so I poured a lot of energy into projects.
There are cons to that, of course — but overall, 2020 turned out to be a unexpectedly transformative year for me:
- My postcard project was a huge, huge success that enabled connections with so many new people and changed the way I think about quilting. It also, quite simply, brought me great joy this year — and joy is something I desperately needed.
- Virtual meet-ups brought me closer to old friends, and brought growing relationships with new friends. I mentioned this in my “Best of 2020” post but it really can’t be overstated — the virtual quilting connections I’ve made this year have been wonderful and so, so welcome.
- I tried many new-to-me techniques, which is a direct result of both my postcard project — which allowed me to try things on a small scale — and additional available time — which helped me give myself permission to slow down and explore options to make things in new and different ways.
- I spent time exploring color interactions and hand quilting in the latter part of the year, and have really enjoyed this process. I look forward to more explorations in both of these areas in 2021.

My goal-setting method is more of a quarterly process, and it has worked well for me for a good while now. But here are a few things I’m hoping to incorporate into those more specific quarterly chunks in 2021. The first three relate to for my “personal/hobby” quilting, and the last two are for my “business” quilting.
- Build my longarm quilting experience. There are several things involved here. I want to get my machine serviced and possibly upgrade the carriage. I want to do some dedicated testing with different thread types and tension settings to get that dialed in as much as possible. And I’d like to practice free motion/custom quilting motifs.
- Complete another 100 Day Project. I am honestly feeling nervous about this because it’s hard to imagine anything living up to the success of the postcards! But that’s not a realistic goal in the first place. I’ve done enough 100 day projects now to know what type of project motivates me and what doesn’t, so I simply need to give it some thought and pick something that piques my interest.
- Find new ways to engage in my local quilting community. I have spent the past 2 years leading the Gulf Coast Modern Quilt Guild, and am currently transitioning out of my role as President. But I still have a strong desire to be involved in the local area, and hope to find different ways of doing that.
- Publish 6 patterns. I have four pattern releases already penciled in between January and June, so adding two more to the second half of the year should be very doable!
- Maintain the status quo with tech editing and design. I had a huge influx of requests in the last two months of this year, very nearly more than I could handle given my other obligations (day job and family). I continue to enjoy this work, but the past couple months have given me additional insight on how much I can take on at once that will be helpful in 2021. In the next year, I am likely not looking to build in this area, but rather maintain my current level of work and client list.
Onward to 2021!
p.s. I’m doing a 31 day blogging challenge. And yes, I missed yesterday — just forgot! Oops!
How fun!!! I loved watching your post card projects and all the other things you’ve been up to! Cheers to a successful 2020 and hope next year is even better!
Thanks Sherry!