Despite a much lower-than-usual level of activity, October passed quickly and we’re already a week into November. I was a liiiiittle distracted by current events last week and didn’t get around to think about goals until the weekend.
It’s hard to believe this crazy, crazy year is almost over. And while I don’t anticipate any significant changes at the start of 2021 on the covid topic, I am SO. RELIEVED. to know that we will have a new occupant in the White House. I’ll actually be able to listen to the President with my kids in the same room! And show them that the president is someone who cares about other people!
And holy moly y’all, they will grow up watching a female Vice President!!! It hardly seems real. What a week.

October goals update:
+ Be in bed by midnight every night. So-so success with this one. I’ll take it.
+ Declutter to Destash. Done! I found new homes for some unused fabric bundles and trashed several other worn out and/or not useful items.
+ Replace the door seal on our washing machine. Nope.
+ New cabinet handles and doorknobs for the master bathroom. Nope.
+ Figure out a fun and safe way to do Halloween. Done!

Other October wins:
+ Airshow. This year’s drive-in edition was a really fun activity that felt low risk due to the precautions they took. A fun day for all of us!
+ Emma went back to in-person school. After doing the first quarter virtually, she returned to school for the second quarter and we are all loving it. We pick her up in the afternoon (instead of her going to after-school care like she has in the past) and that’s been nice as well.
+ Reading. I’ve been on a good reading kick lately and finished 3 books in October. That’s a lot in one month for me!
+ Released 2 quilt patterns. I went on a bit of a tear and after re-releasing my Pathfinder pattern in the middle of the month, I finished and released a tree skirt pattern only 2 weeks later.

November goals:
+ Figure out a fun and safe way to do Thanksgiving. We have always gone to Corpus Christi for the holiday, but may not do that this year since covid cases are rising again, both our kids are doing in-person school, and Jose’s mom is in the high covid risk category.
+ Clean out the guest room closet. My new-to-me longarm forced a minor revamp of our guest room — we got rid of a large dresser and moved a chair into the girls’ playroom , and now the room is essentially just a bed and a longarm. To make it more usable for the handful of times per year that we have guests, I need to clean out the small walk-in closet and install some better shelving.
+ Finish 2 QuiltCon submissions. I’ve got a quilt in work for this year’s fabric challenge, and another one in work that I’d like to finish and enter as well.