If you are used to visiting this site directly (as opposed to a feed reader or email), you probably noticed that it looks a little different! I made some updates last weekend that included an entirely new template.

I’ve spent a ridiculous amount of time over the last several years thinking on and off about how to “manage” my online presence. I’m heavily focused on quilting these days, but I do still enjoy writing personal posts — and have 20+ years of those that I don’t want to throw away. A couple years ago, I decided to make a separate website to serve as a more professional home for my quilting stuff…but having separate sites has always felt a bit clunky.
So last week I finally decided to just go with what feels easiest and most comfortable, even if it might not be the “right” way to do things. I have one site for everything, and this is it! SarahRuiz.com now redirects here. And there are two header images, to cover both my quilting and my old Saroy moniker.
So what to expect? No other changes, really. There will continue to be quilting stuff. There will continue to be personal stuff. There will continue to be miscellaneous stuff from time to time. And it will all mesh together in a way that might not be neat or perfect or compartmentalized, but at the moment, that seems totally fine.
Yes. I love your quilt stuff, personal stuff, and professional stuff all rolled together. I would miss any aspects of life if they weren’t there!
I’m glad you like it! It makes sense to me to have it all together, but so many other blogs these days are so narrowly focused. But who says we have to follow any set pattern, right?
Cool! Where did “saroy” come from?
It’s a combination of Sarah and what used to be my middle name (before I got married and changed it). I started using it in the last 90s for my first websites, and then carried it into my social media accounts…so it would be hard to change!
I like the combination of subjects. “Narrowly focused” blogs can get a little monotonous. And if there were anybody who went into too much detail about their life, I could skip those entries! (Haven’t had to with you.)