Well. That was a March unlike any other. No hyperbole, no exaggeration. Just crazy, escalating, felt-like-1000-years-long March. I can’t help but wonder what the rest of 2020 will bring…but I also know what April will bring:

That’s the emptiest our calendar has looked, well, ever. It’s gonna be a long spring, although oddly I’ve found that that old parenting adage applies: the days are long, but the years (well, weeks) are short. I’m surprised and kinda proud that we’ve made it through nearly 3 weeks already, despite all the challenges.
Working from home is super tough. Getting a full 40 hours is next to impossible. Jose and I are trying to juggle it all, and the kids are getting obscene amounts of screen time. We have been pretty good about getting outside each day.
This morning Emma told me I’m not as good a teacher as Mrs. P — to which I answered “yeah, I KNOW.”
Oh boy, do I know.
March goals update:
+ Finish Couch to 5K. My target race on the 28th was cancelled/postponed, so I did 4.5 miles that day instead! And while I didn’t technically complete the formal C25K program, that was a conscious decision and I still ran 4 times/week. This one counts as a success!
+ Get a quote for lights/ceiling fan upgrades in the house. Nope. Turns out a pandemic is not the time to have workmen coming into the house!
+ Finish and file our taxes. Nope. With everything else going on and now the filing deadline extended to July, this is super on the back burner right now.
+ Declutter my sewing room. Nope, but giving myself a pass for March. I started, then we ended up at home 24/7 and my sewing room is also my home office and the girls dragged in their toys and phew, my sewing room is a DISASTER. I’ll be participating in the “Spring Clean Your Studio” blog hop later in April though, so I’ll get things back in order as part of that.
Other March wins:

+ Spring break. It felt both relaxing and stressful at the time, since it was the week that coronavirus response really started to ramp up in the US. Now in hindsight, my memories are all relaxing and happy. I’m thankful we were able to have a nice time on our trip before everything really went crazy.
+ Not catching coronavirus yet. ‘Nuff said!
And now we are here in April! My county has a stay-at-home order in place through April 30, Emma’s school is closed through at least May 4, and Charlotte’s daycare is closed until JSC backs off its mandatory telework order which certainly won’t be before the county’s order expires. That means are 100% certain that we’ll be all together at home — working, schooling, living — for another 4+ weeks.
I’m not setting any real April goals, other than moving my body (run, walk, bike ride, yoga) at least 4 days per week, and hopefully more like 5-6. Getting outside has really helped all of us stay calmer and happier so far.
Big things happening in April:
+ Easter. Which will be less of a thing this year with no neighborhood egg hunt or social gatherings…but I ordered a few surprises for the girls and we’ll do an egg hunt in our backyard.
+ Absolutely nothing else. Except, of course, work-from-homing and school-from-homing and lots of cooking and dishwasher cycles and grocery store runs while avoiding hopefully germs and some bike rides and runs and family walks and whatever it takes to stay healthy and reasonably happy.
Deep breath.