I shared highlights of my QuiltCon experience a couple weeks, but I also want to share some (ok, a LOT) of the quilts I saw and loved at the show. So here comes a huge photo dump!
I “narrowed it down” to almost 100 photos, and a single post was just too huge so this is part 1, and I’ll have part 2 later this week.
I’ll start off with what might have been my favorite design element, and the thing that drew me in to take a closer look at many, many quilts — handwork. I don’t do a lot of handwork myself, usually because I feel like it will take too much time and prevent me from moving on the other projects. And yet I always find myself drawn to some of the amazing work in this category. Maybe it’s the added depth and texture? Or maybe it’s simple admiration for the time and effort spent on the result? Either way, I have spent a lot of time in the last few weeks thinking about how I might push myself to add more hand stitching to my quilts.

One special exhibit this year was a collection of Amish quilts from Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. This was a really fun treat for me, as Lancaster County is where my dad grew up and where I spent many memorable summer vacations as a child on my family’s dairy farm. The colors palettes of these quits were striking, as was the intricate hand quilting.


More later this week!
Thank you for sharing!