Just like January, February started slow but hit breakneck speed at the end with my trip to Quiltcon. Whew! I think I’m still recovering — and currently stuck in limbo between wanting to make a zillion quilts and being paralyzed by indecision about where to start.
February goals update:
+ Couch to 5K. In progress! I’m just wrapping up week 5, which is where the big jump to a solid 20 minutes of running comes in. I’m sloooooow. Like slower than I have ever been. But I’m doing it. I even ran 3 of the 4 days I was in Austin last week for QuiltCon. I am DOING it.

+ Figure out spring vacation plans. Done! We are doing a family trip to the Florida panhandle for spring break, and Jose and I are going on a kid-free trip to Belize in June.
+ Get a quote for lights/ceiling fan upgrades in the house. Nope. This one just fell off the radar.
+ Finish my Broken Zig Zag pattern revamp. Done! I’ll be releasing it next week!
+ Maintain developing good habits! Workouts/exercise was great. Sleep was so-so. Eating was decent but could have been better. I’ll give myself half credit here.

Other February wins:
+ A promotion at work. I officially got the job I have been acting in for the last several months. It came with a raise and a parking space. Movin’ on up!
+ Visit from Momo. Jose’s mom was here for ~9 days. The girls loved their grandparents and are always ecstatic to see one of them, and sad to see them go.

+ Date night. Jose and I had a nice evening out while his mom was here…which reminded both of us that we should really go out more often.
+ QuiltCon, of course! I had an absolute blast and came home simultaneously exhausted and inspired. I can’t wait to turn some of my ideas into reality. It was so fun to hang out with old friends, make new friends, and talk about basically nothing but quilting for four days straight.
Congrats on the promotion! That’s awesome.
For C25K, I think it’s critical to run slowly enough that running isn’t torture. It can be a little uncomfortable, but if it’s too unpleasant you’ll stop doing it.
Yeah, I tend to agree. Actually, the heart rate training program I did about 18 months ago was what really convinced me that I need to slow down, even if it makes my pace seem utterly ridiculous. (We’re talking 15 minute miles here.)
But it’s something.