January started off slow, but is going out with a bang. It’s been quite the week as you can see from the short list below. I am tired and still getting over the bug I caught in West Virginia.

I never know what to call these bugs that I occasionally catch other than “bug.” It always starts with a tickle in my throat, that grows more intense over a day or so. I don’t get a runny nose, but my ears feel clogged, my eyes burn, and I get overall body aches. A cold? Some other winter virus? Whatever it is, it is a very typical malaise for me. It lasts 3-4 days and makes me feel cruddy while still being a functional human being, which is perhaps the worst case scenario. I don’t feel bad enough to ditch important commitments. But I don’t feel good enough to be cheerful about them.
Suffice it to say I’m very glad it’s Friday!
January goals update:
+ Wipe the slate clean at work. Success! This one is hard to measure, of course, but I am feeling better about my work status than I have in a while, and feeling motivated and proactive about tackling my growing list of tasks.
+ Try Blue Apron. Done! And we also tried Hello Fresh. We liked them both — they felt very similar in terms of menu and both can deliver on Saturdays, so I don’t have a strong preference for one over the other. We may just switch back and forth between the two and see how that goes.
+ Finish my Broken Zig Zag pattern revamp. Not finished. I got about halfway but then had to shift gears to another pattern project with a firm deadline.
+ Install new shelves in the art cabinet. Done!

Other January wins:
+ Successful deadline-driven sewing. I haven’t been able to write much about my quilting projects this month, but I’ve been making good, steady progress towards two early February deadlines.
+ Got a new water heater. Hooray for adulting.
+ Taught a quilting class. This was enjoyable! Looking forward to another one soon.
+ Trip to West Virginia. I took a quick trip to Fairmont, West Virginia for a meeting at the NASA IV&V center. (Made possible by Jose being his usual rock star dad while I was gone.)
+ Rearranged the girls’ bedrooms. Both beds are in a single room now and while it hasn’t resulted in a bedtime miracle (yet), it’s going well.
+ 4 workouts per week. I walked, ran, or went to Orange Theory four times per week for the first 3 weeks of this month. (I fell off that pace this past week due to travel and illness, but will recover next week!)